Canned Green : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I've searched in the archives and cant find the directions for canning green tomatoes to fry. Maybe it wasn't here. Does anyone have the directions for canning sliced green tomatoes that dont get mushy. The person that posted said you could take them out of the jar and meal them and fry just like fresh. Sure would like to know the pressure and time. Thanks in advance. Peggy
-- Peggy Carr (, June 17, 2001
I canned lots of green tomatoes two years ago, and I don't think they were super mushy. At least I had to use a knife to cut them up into smaller pieces for sauces. The recipe was in the Storey Publishing Booklet A-24: Wash, core and slice green tomatoes. Pack loosely in quart canning jars. Cover with boiling water to half inch ofjars. Add 1/4 tsp. of salt to each jar (optional). Process 20 minutes in boiling water bath. A grape leaf inserted in the jar might keep them crispier; at least that works for okra pickles.
-- Katherine in KY (, June 18, 2001.