Canadian rockies : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

I have climbed in the rockies a couple of times and would like to return this late summer/early fall. Unfortunately none of my partners have the time to go. Is there a good place to hang and meet people where I might have luck finding partners for some of the moderately hard routes? Thanks, Bill Nicholson

-- Bill Nicholson (, June 17, 2001


Hi Bill; Sure, hangout in Canmore, Alberta.. not far from Banff. Canmore is a friendly little town. Strong climbing fraternity lives there, hangs out in summer/winter. Yamnuska is nearby, Alpine Club of Canada has its clubhouse just out of town. Can't think of a better place to meet other climbers and get dope on the climbing possibilities. Lagans in Lake Louise is another good hangout, Revelstoke for the Selkirks in British Columbia. But you would be best in Canmore, couple of well known hangouts right downtown and the ACC clubhouse, two or three miles out, is the centre of it all. Have a great summer and fall Frank Dwyer Kamloops BC Canada

-- Frank Dwyer (, August 13, 2002.

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