Myths, Old say'ns and the Truth! : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

"Burry a hair from a horses tail and grow a snake".

"Buckeyes are good luck when carried in a pocket".

"I saw Elvis last week at a Decatur IL gas station. I grabbed m'camera and took a picture. Later found out twarn't no film in hit".

"Aluminum pans cause cancer".

"Watched pot never boils".

"JFK lived until Nov, 2000--as a vegetable".

"Slick willie wanted the anti-terroist bill passed so he iniated the Oklahoma bombing and used Tim McVeigh for the scapegoat. In return Tim McVeigh is still alive. Nobody saw'm after he supposedly "died".

"Aliens from outer space are visitin the White House and tellin the president what to do".

Well, after all this stuff just listed, I can tell ya'll something that AIN'T no myth. Jesus Christ is for real and He'll save anybody that asks. He will be returning shortly for His church. In the meantime people are dying each day and are into eternity. Where will you spend your eternity? Matt.24:44

-- hoot (, June 17, 2001


One of the wonderful things I've seen on this BBS system, is the way ppl label Xian posts as such. Please label posts as such--I doubt you'd want to read posts only to find it tells about Rhiannon, Danu, and Cerridwen! I'm not mad or anything--it just seems like a good idea to label posts as such :)


-- Brendan K Callahan (, June 17, 2001.

Hi Hoot,

I knew the minute I read the title that it was going to be Christian material...after all, it has the word TRUTH in it. Have a great day brother.

-- Kathy (, June 17, 2001.

Hi Brendan! I'm sorry you feel the way you do about me not labeling my posts. I seem to recall just last week, in fact, I made a post stating that I would no longer label any of my posts as containging Christian Material. I might have assumed some things that I shouldn't have but thought that EVERYBODY already knew my posts would ALL have something in them that contained Christian Material. If I happen to open a thread that I don't agree with--I just kinda "back" out of that thread and don't bother to complain to anybody about the content---unless it contains foul language or such. I'm not lily white and don't pretend to be but I will proclaim the Gospel in ALL my posts. In the future you won't have to bother opening any of my posts unless you want a dose of Christianity. Christ is the Only way to the Father. The Word says so and I'll not apologize for the Word. ole hoot. Matt.24:44

-- hoot (, June 17, 2001.

Hoot, It is amazing how some people will swear by some of the fantasies you listed but when presented with the gospel, they claim that it is just too way out!

Being a believer aint about being snowy white (not yet anyhow), it's about being obedient. Keep up the good messages. You're a real endurance runner. Heb 12:1-2

Skip in WA

-- Skip Walton (, June 17, 2001.

Yeah, well it seems to me the last myth is about as ridiculous as all the rest. Jesus is comin' back? How long have people believed that his return is imminent? Hasn't come back by now, he never will. The bible is just fiction

-- antichrist (, June 17, 2001.


My grandmother always said something about killing a snake and hangig it on a fence would cause a drought. And you couldn't have seen Elvis. Rumor has it he had a sex change and is living life as a waitress named Vivian in Michigan. :>) Thanks for being you.

-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, June 17, 2001.

Hoot do what you feel is right; I know you've tested it in the spirit, no matter what you do!

If you care to, list Matt. 24:44 in your thread titles!

-- Rick K (, June 17, 2001.

I'm with you Brendan, it should have been labelled as christ-ian. But then I thought Hoot left the site, as posted by him a few weeks ago. Go figure.

-- Anne (, June 17, 2001.

Hoot, PLEASE, do not let these people drive you away. I am not Christian, but I do enjoy your posts. I thank my God for you. Onward, Terri

-- Terri Perry (, June 17, 2001.

Brendan: I would read about Jesus, Hecate, or Allah (sp? on that one) and not be offended by another's beliefs. Don't "throw out the baby with the bathwater." You may not agree with his Jesus comments, but hey, isn't the rest interesting? And you can just thank your lucky full moon you believe something based upon no truth. At least it is confirmed that Jesus was a real person. Dont get me started. At least throughout all my holier than thou pagan days I thought Jesus was a good guy, and the bible had a lot of nice things in it.

antichrist: heeheehoohoo. Who died and left you god to decide what is myth and what isn't? I've seen things you wouldn't believe...literally! When was the last time you saw a faery? Gives one pause to consider what is a myth and what isn't. Euclidean geometry works nicely for earth, but sucks in space.

-- Marcee King (, June 18, 2001.

Well Hoot, you went and got those poor people all worked up again!! LOL!!! Lordy, everyone knows your writing style! So they go and read it and get their knickers in a bind. Go figure! Keep writing and we'll keep reading your letters. God bless!!

-- Ardie from WI (, June 18, 2001.


You can never please everyone. Don't worry about it. You're doing great. As for the response from "anticrist", that's just ignorance and doesn't warrant you changing anything unless YOU fell it is necessary.

-- Murray Herrick (, June 18, 2001.

Here's the deal folks. Many of you are fairly new to this board so are unfamiliar with the "beginnings" of some of this stuff.

Hoot, being the gent he is, started labelling his posts as containing Christian material after several BIG brouhahas about a thread starting with topical, homesteading stuff and several "christians" would take the slightest opportunity to turn it into an opportunity for "wittnessing" and numerous people found it offensive, myself included, thinking they'd come here for homesteading conversation and not a sermon or lecture.

I for one am in favor of Hoots continuing to post his "warning" and tho his posts are fun to read he's no different than the rest of us. Blatent attempts to prostheltize have been discouraged in the past and I hope they will continue to be. And for those who insist on reading and participating in that kinda stuff can go to the Chriistian forum and get all of it they want.

-- john (, June 19, 2001.

Love ya Hoot ,I am not sure why everyone has to bash AGAIN .I am not offended by anyones religion or lack of .It is a part of you , if you choose to mention it I will respect you and it .Grow up and be an adult .Is this how you all act in public and at the work place ? I think not .

-- Patty {NY State} (, June 19, 2001.

Oh I couldn't have asked for a better birthday present!!! Since I knew you were taking a wee break from all of the strife and bickering on the forum here I haven't visited in a while either. I decided to see if there was anything interesting and while scanning the list I saw your post. I KNEW it was yours the moment I saw it. Your style is unmistakable. I guess some folks just ain't quite bright enough to recognize it. You know what the good book says....if you are stepping on folks toes then you must be stepping in the right places :o). I sure am glad to see you back on here proclaiming the truth! Love in christ, Amanda

-- Amanda in Tx (, June 19, 2001.

I really dont understand why everybody has to get on somebody else's case,for saying they are a Christian (Or Not) It is really simple,for those of you who are evidently computer illeterate,as well as Bible illiterate. A computer has a BACK BUTTON ! Use it . If you dont want to read Christian material,then fine,dont! But at the same time,dont put your trash on there either,about Jesus never coming back. He is coming back for me and Hoot,and lots more people,but I guess only satan will be looking for the "anti-christ" If you dont believe in God,how can you be against Him? Got some catchy little answer for that one too? I will pray for you !

-- Don (, June 21, 2001.

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