Is it rude to email others? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Do people mind getting emails on here or is it considered rude to just email someone?
-- Lynn (, June 15, 2001
Lynn you will quickly find out who cares and who doesn't by their fake email addys! I would think if somebody used a real address they wouldn't care.. I certainly don't mind. Vicki
-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, June 15, 2001.
Content of the email would probably be more of a consideration regarding rudeness rather than the act of emailing itself.Being on this form along with what is presumably a "real" email address, I guess you'd have to expect to get the occasional email, which I don't feel is rude in and of itself. If you're serving it up hard and fast and don't show much or any consideration, well, I'm supossing you might get a rude email or two...
-- Willy Allen (, June 15, 2001.
Sometimes e mailing is a good way to say "Hello" or to chat about something that maybe you feel is "off topic" of the forum you are in. Some forums want you to stick to those topics which seem to fall under their catagories, others are more forgiving and realize that everything we do and care about are interconnected and sometimes can't be separated. I think that recieving e mails meant in the spirit of good fellowship or to promote knowledge are welcome by most all of us. Agree? Disagree? :-)
-- Little Quacker (, June 15, 2001.
I frequently receive e-mail with questions about specifics of what I might post and I don't mind at all. I did find it hard when those who didn't agree with me on some "issues" sent unkind mail, but now I just stay off the controversial threads for the most part.
-- diane (, June 15, 2001.
I have unexpectantly received emails from this forum and have yet to be offended. As long as the intentions are good, any reasonable person would not mind. If you email to berate or correct, don't expect NOT to be banned by the user from being able to email them in the future. There's a handy button in most emails that bans unwanted addy's. If you find a specific post you'd like to comment privately on, ask the poster with a reference to your intentions in the thread to be sure.
-- Epona (, June 15, 2001.
Many of us e-mail each other with answers to questions or to discuss something that might cause controversy on the forum.I don't believe anyone considers this rude.Emails selling something or pushing political or religious views are another matter.
-- JT (, June 15, 2001.
I hope not, I just did it.I have made a few friends from this forum, one close. I don't mind e-mails as long as I know where it comes from. That is why my re: usually says "countryside friend" when I e-mail someone for the first time.
I think it's really nice to have people send a thank you by private for giving advice.
-- Dee (, June 15, 2001.
The only time I thought it rude was when I was sent a virus diguised as a Christian message from someone on this forum.Now I use a false e- mail .
-- SM (, June 16, 2001.
My email address is genuine, you can send me emails any time you like, in fact I wish you would as I enjoy receiving emails.
-- john hill (, June 16, 2001.
I enjoy getting e-mails and reading what people are doing and new ideas for us to try. I just won't open any attachments if I don't know you. I just got rid of a bad virus, sent to me by someone I know. The computer sent it to all unopened mail as a reply. She never even knew she sent it. My computer also sent it out. Hopefully all are fixed now. Joanie
-- Joanie (, June 16, 2001.
Dear Lynn,Good question! I've just recently started posting answers to some questions. I usually offer to elaborate if the questioner wants to e-mail me. Several people have taken me up on the offer and that's led to some great correspondance. I even sent my home phone to one reply that was seeking time sensitive info.
I think most of us really value what we find here. And respect each other enough to be sensitive to what's acceptable. Maybe that's part of the reason we're here!?!? *smile*
I think You'll be fine using Your best judgement!
-- Randle Gay (, June 16, 2001.
I don't think anyone would really mind getting email personally. I sure don't mind! :-) Anyone can send me email anytime they want! Even if it's really for no reason at all! Or maybe just to chat,or to ask questions.. I'm always open for emails! I guess if anyone really didn't want any emails sent to them they might as well say something like (P.S. Please don't email me) ya know,something like that. :-)
-- Cosmic Country Girl (, June 16, 2001.
I try to hold my e-mails to the person who wrote the initial thread, I figure if they are not lurking enough to ask qustions, they can probobly handle a well modulated e-mail. Above all else, be nice.
-- Marty (, June 16, 2001.
I don't mind getting e-mails from Countrysiders unless they are just sending a message to try to sell me something. I also find that sometimes once they send me something then sometimes they will include me on their list for all the jokes and cute sayings they get. When that happens, I just send them a polite response asking that they not keep me on their general posts and just limit their e- mails they send me to countryside topics.
-- Colleen (, June 16, 2001.
Lynn, No problem here with receiving emails. I have never used a fake addy, and don't plan on using one in the future. I don't even care if folks know my real name!! I have nothing to hide.
-- Marcia (, June 16, 2001.
Lynn----the only thing I have a problem with is-----that sometimes someone has brought up a post from over a year ago-----& I seldom have time to come & lurk anymore let alone post-----& they ask a question about something I posted over a year ago--- & don't give enough information for me to even have a clue what they are talking about---& they don't look at the dates & see it was posted over a year before!!!!!!! I just plain don't have the time I had a year ago!!! And I would love to be able to answer all the e-mails I receive---but I just don't have the time anymore----so I sometimes am able to answer & sometimes I delite about 50 to 75 e-mails a day from people I don't know who they are----I use my computer for my business- ---& I just don't have the time---to answer all the requests I get---- it really does bother me that when I do try to read & answer some of these questions----they are from posts from soooooooooooooooo long ago--- & they don't give you enough information to even make sense to you---( like I read your post on countryside & could you do this or that for me)--& you have no clue in the world what post they were talking about ---as I haven't had the time to come here in many--- many ---many months /but once in a great while!!!! So if you are going to e-mail some one------please give them some information about what you have read or what your are referring to--- or some clue---instead of I read your post on countryside----Like Which one???Which topic???? Which year????????? And what where you referring to?????? And what did you want to know---????? I can't believe how many e-mails/ I have received that have just said /I read your post on countryside & this or that---- & you have no clue what topic they are even talking about!!!!!! And I feel that if the discussion was going on a year ago-----it is OVER!!!! I'm on to a new topic!!!! I have trouble remembering what I ate for breakfast this morning----let alone what I posted on a forum over a year ago!!!!! Thanks sonda in Ks.
-- Sonda in Ks. (, June 17, 2001.
Hi,When I email someone out of a forum list, I generaly use a subject line like "Greetings from a fellow Countrysider" or whatever is appropriate for the source of the email. This way the receiver would (you'd hope!) be less likely to delete the email as more junk.
just a thought
-- j (, June 20, 2001.
What I see on other forums is "remove 'no spam' from addy to reply (see mine above, it is not a fake address, but you at least have to type it in. Hope this helps. GT
-- GT (, June 25, 2001.