"Free" storage shed--if you can get them!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
The other day while at one of the big hardware giants (Begins with Home...)we were shopping for a couple storage sheds to replace one lost in the last storm. Most of the sheds advertised with "samples" outside the store were discontinued, so we asked what they planned to do with the sample ones, which were about 2 or 3 feet deep, but as large otherwise as the shed they represent. The garden shop manager told my husband they couldn't sell or give them away, they would be hauled to the landfill! We've tried to talk to the store manager (at the garden shop manager's suggestion), but so far, no luck in getting them to let us haul one away. Any ideas? Maybe another store in your area would be more accomodating, just wanted to pass on the info, in case someone else needed a small tool/feed shed and could convince them not to haul them away. What a waste! Jan
-- Jan in CO (Janice12@aol.com), June 14, 2001
Hi was it depot that had the sheds ? I don't know how you can get it but I agree with you it is a waste I don't konw why they would perfer to throw them away rather then give them. maybe they think if they give them .they will lose your buisiness or maybe their is something wrong with them and they don't want a lawsuit ask them if that is the case. hope this helpsLisa
-- Lisa Miller (ljmill35@aol.com), June 15, 2001.
Ask them WHEN it is going to the landfill...go to the landfill and ask the guys there if you can have it. Our landfill workers haul out all kinds of things that are still good and will give them away (or for a small fee) if you ask. Maybe we just have super nice workers, or maybe because one of them is a friend's brother, he calls us when there are desks, working microwaves, etc. brought out to see if we know of anyone who wants it.
-- julie f. (rumplefrogskin@excite.com), June 15, 2001.
Maybe you can talk them into letting you take the shed(s) to the landfill for them. (yes they will know you will keep it, but this way they can say they followed company policy, and saved the cost of the dump fee!)
-- Rick K (rick_122@hotmail.com), June 15, 2001.
The waste that goes on with stuff going to landfills is ridiculous. In many places it's even illegal to take stuff out of dumpsters. Here in southern California I see so much waste it's insane. Some of it goes to good use though. There's an entire town across the border in Mexico that's built out of Americans throw aways. Practically every house in the town is built with discarded wood garage doors from so cal.
-- nothing (nothing@nowhere.no), June 15, 2001.
I suspect their concern is liability since these would be prone to being blown over, possibly injuring someone. You might approach the manager again, offer to pay a nominal amount and also offer to sign a form holding them harmless for any potential future problems. I doubt they could be stand-alone buildings, but would seem to work nicely if backed on a fence and attached to it.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (scharabo@aol.com), June 15, 2001.