Having trouble sleeping, so I'm just browsinggreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Here it is after mid-night. The morning is going to come way too early, but just can't seem to settle my mind down enough to drift off. Been checking out the forums to see what's buzzing. Visiting the forum is like calling an old friend on the phone.Hope all is well with everyone and you're getting what you need. Here's wishing you enough.
Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite.
-- Dianne in Mass (dianne.bone@usa.net), June 14, 2001
It's 3:45am here, Dianne.b Don't know what's come over me, aside from the sinus cold going away:) I agree, visiting forums is like saying hi to an old friend. Blessings, Epona
-- Epona (crystalepona2000@yahoo.com), June 14, 2001.
Good Morning. I just got back from grocery shopping and got the cold stuff put away. Now I have to unwind from the roadtrip. I't nice to see others here this late at night.
-- Laura (LadybugWrangler@hotmail.com), June 14, 2001.
I often am up all night, until 7 to 10am, so yes, I am browsing through here a good bit that late, too :)
-- Brendan K Callahan (sleeping@netins.net), June 14, 2001.
Wish I had that problem. I can go to sleep anywhere, anytime. I especially like a nap around 2pm. Cappuccino/caffeine/whatever doesn't make a difference! I doze right off.............zzzzzzzzzzzz
-- Gailann Schrader (gtschrader@aol.com), June 14, 2001.