Came out smelling like a rose (free split-rail fencing) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

We are going to install an outside wood burning furnace. Somewhere in my research I read to ask you local tree trimmer for the logs/stumps that he might have. Well on a whim I did this. This week he brought me 5 truck loads on rails from a split rail fence that he was removing so he could clean out a fence row around an 8 acer field. This totals 215, 10 foot long rails I did not count the post because they were rotted at the bottom and can not be reused, they will get burnt but the rails are on their way to becoming much needed fence post. Sometimes when I fall into it I came out smelling like S*%T but this week I came out smelling like a rose Grant

-- grant (, June 11, 2001


You were sure lucky on that one. It bothers me that there is probably a lot of items that end up in landfills but could avoid going there if only there was a way to connect those that are getting rid of things with those that are willing to take them and put them to good use. Your deal turned out to be a win/win for both of you I'm sure. I have seen some states that have waste management programs that have internet websites to list things that people are getting rid of so those that are interested in them can get them for free but unfortunately my state, Virginia, doesn't have that service. It sure would save everyone a lot of money. Congratulatons on your good fortune.

-- Colleen (, June 11, 2001.


So good to hear you lucked out, that was definately a good thing! We just bought this lovely farm her in Arkansas and i have a lot and i mean LOT of cull lumber and firewood to trade or sell. Located in North Central AR. I think we have enough lumber to build a subdivision LOL:):0 Not here though *grin*

Yeah, know what ya mean about VA Colleen, the only thing that we could get was left over concrete from the highway dept there for our driveway. bernice

-- Bernice (, June 11, 2001.

Congratulations on such a good windfall. I love getting freebies and if I'm looking for something I make sure I let everyone know about it. By the same token, if I have something I need to get rid of I ask around to find someone that can use it.

I happened to have a conversation with a painting contractor wherein I mentioned that I needed some five gallon buckets. Two days later I walked outside to find 30 five gallon buckets sitting by my front gate. They were even washed out.

-- Grannytoo (, June 11, 2001.

Hey Bernice, glad to hear you have arrived in your new place. It seems like only yesterday you were putting your homestead here up for sale. Tell us about your trip there. Did you take your goats with you or sell them and plan to buy new ones there? What is the new place like? Hope you have a friendlier environment for selling your goat milk/cheese there then you did here.

-- Colleen (, June 11, 2001.

Hi Colleen,

I really need to post the story of our trip here, I will have to do that withing the next day or so. getting too hot to work outdoors so that leaves inside work. I will send you some pics soon. Its great here. If I knew how Cindy posted her cow pics to the forum i'd do it that way, but i'll send them to you e-mail.

It sure does seem like yesterday that wre listed our farm and then sold it. It was a month ago today we closed on the farm there and hit the road at 5PM, long story to how we got detained. Then we ended up getting directions on the scenic route to Yellville, via 14 west smack through the Ozarks with an old U-Haul van (I do mean old!) with a trailer behind with our truck on it and the goat hauler behind us. yep, i couldn't sell my girls or bad boys so we brought them. We brought 25 with us.

After we got here the state dairy dept was very helpful and I had been in contact before we moved. they even went as far as to contact the Jackson Mitchell plant in yellville for us and helped us to get a milk contract to sell our milk. They manfacture Myerburg Goat Milk in the can you can get at Food Lion, etc. I then had to work out transportation for a doe kid from Washington i ordered and ended up getting 9 more goats, good milkers, all Alpines and we had to go to illonois to get them. I am now awaiting my milking machine which hopefully will come any day so I can get some relief. i hand milk 15 goats that produce 2 gallons give or take twice a day. My hands hurt so bad. But its honest work and hard work but i love the respite from teaching. Although i do have an offer in the wings.

I LOVE it here, its so beautiful, all that I ever had dreamed of. Its on a mountain top with a beautiful view of the Bull Shoals Lake which is 4 miles down the holler. I will send ya the pics and anyone else who may want to see the views, farm, etc. We have a 25 acre farm, with a huge metal shop complete with 2 offices and a bathroom and a huge shop area. the office even has AC. Then we have the saw mill and several barns and pastures fenced and crossed fenced. We also have a nice 2 bedroom house with a full basement, fireplace and even this old chambers gas cook stove which i was afraid of at first. It even has a 2 car attached garage complete with an automatic garage door opener which i had to play with, neve rhad one before! LOL:):0

Well..... got to go, but i will post that moving adventure soon. take care.


-- Bernice (, June 11, 2001.

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