Leica bei Meister

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Has anyone heard of or done business with a retailer named "Leica bei Meister", they have a website and sell Leica gear on the net. Their shop is in Hamburg, De. Apparently been in business a long time, (since 1925), and prices are in DM, which compare well at this time with Aussie Dollars. Any comments? PN

-- Paul Nelson (clrfarm@comswest.net.au), June 10, 2001


Hi Paul,

Andrew Nemeth has this dealer on his recommendations list at his Leica FAQ.



-- chengfoong (drsimonwong@hotmail.com), June 11, 2001.

High Paul, I'm living in Hamburg, the town where "Leica bei Meister" is situated and regularly check out their lenses and cameras. Personally I bought a used 35 Lux and a 90 'cron. They sell goods on commission and trade in. I've delt with the owner of the shop and I think he is a honest man. Their prices in imho are o.k.

Greetings and may the light be with you


-- RAlph Busskamp (ralph.busskamp@philips.com), June 11, 2001.

I bought my 28mm Summicron from Herr Meister and recommend him highly. He is a gentleman. He only deals in Leica equipment from his perfume shop (sic!) and takes no non-Leica trade-ins. Be sure to bring cash if you go in person and you'll likely get a discount. He has some really nice equipment.

-- Peter Mackay (pm@novonordisk.com), June 11, 2001.

Wow! Talk about instant gratification, isn't this forum and the Internet great?

-- Ron Gregorio (rongregorio@hotmail.com), June 11, 2001.

When you live about 400km from Perth, only get the mail 2 times a week, and have to drive 25k to get a newpaper, then yes, the internet is great. And thanks to all of you who have been helpful. PN

-- Paul Nelson (clrfarm@comswest.net.au), June 11, 2001.


I have bought Leica equipment via mail from Leica bei Meister and can recommend them (him?). You might want to check how much duty you would have to pay before you place an order - here in England there is no import duty from Germany but I don't know what the situation is in Australia.

-- Keith Urry (keith@mephisto.demon.co.uk), June 11, 2001.


You can check the offers of Leica bei Meister on the Internet: www.leicabeimeister.de.


-- Thomas Haller (thomas.haller@web.de), June 14, 2001.

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