Mulberries (Recipes Needed) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Does anyone know any good recipes for mulberries? They are just beginning to ripen around here. I usually just eat them right off the tree but I thought I'd ask for other ideas. My honey's been talking about making some pies. Anyone know any good mulberry pie recipes?

-- Ed C (, June 09, 2001


Ed - My mother-in-law says you can substitute mulberries for any recipes calling for raspberries or blackberries. I have never done this, but she says when I have eaten blackberry cobler at her house, that it was really mulberry. It was good, and I couldn't tell the difference. Winona

-- Winona in MO (, June 10, 2001.

Right off the trees is the best. Messy but great. I know here in ohio the first crop is just becomming ripe.

-- Gary (, June 10, 2001.

Thanks Winona, I just assumed that pretty much all pies were made the same, but my friend Irene said you put different ingredients in different pies. But then again, I don't even pretend that I can cook. I'm like Gary and just eat fruit as I pick it. I'll pass along the advice about substituting mulberries for raspberries or blackberries. Thanks again. If anyone else has any more ideas, I'm still listening.

-- Ed C (, June 10, 2001.

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