UBC: hazardous chemical spill

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread


Fri Jun 8, 4:36 pm

UBC biosciences building evacuated

Part of the University of British Columbia's campus has been evacuated and the RCMP bomb squad was called in because of a hazardous chemical spill. The acid spill occurred over the noon hour, forcing staff and students to leave the building. Pickric acid in it's crystal form can be very unstable and is likened to a bomb. Vancouver fire captain Rob Jones-Cook says it could take a few hours to contain the spill. The UBC RCMP detachment has cordoned off an area 100-metres around the biosciences building.

-- Rachel Gibson (rgibson@hotmail.com), June 08, 2001

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