shipping boxes for : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I am sending out some chicks to a couple of different people. I figured I would get the boxes via the post office...NOT. Does anyone have a source for shipping boxes that areUSPS approved for live animals? I have found a couple sites on the internet put they were charging $10.00 a box. Thanks
-- tracy (, June 07, 2001
Tracy this might not meet your immediate need, but for future use you might check with your area feed stores and pet shops to see if they would save old boxes in which they receive animals. Or, is this too risky in terms of disease, etc? Also, don't know how many chicks you need to ship. Maybe you could build a shipping crate yourself, or have someone build some for you. Earnest of the Ozarks, who contributes magnificently to this forum, had some great pics on his website including one of a poultry crate that he made. I made a crate based on the one in his photo- I used all scrap wood and wire so it only cost me a few cents for wood and screws. (Thanks, Earnest!).
-- Elizabeth (, June 07, 2001.
We have purchased ours from Smith Poultry Supply. We only purchased 10 boxes and I think you can buy as few as 5 at a time. place to try is: I have seen them advertise at various poultry sites.
-- Trisha-MN (, June 07, 2001.
There are usually boxes for sale on is the cheapest place we have found.
-- JT (, June 07, 2001.
-- ~Rogo (, June 09, 2001.