ARCHIVES??????? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
All the categories mention looking in the archives for soap recipes, HOW DO I ACCESS THE ARCHIVES????Thanks, Cynthia
-- Cynthia Capodestria (, June 06, 2001
Scroll down the bottom of the main page to the older threads. Find soap making and click on it.All related threads will come up. Instead of posting on them though, if you have a question come back to the main page as those are old and unlikely to be currently read.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, June 06, 2001.
Cynthia, When you enter the Forum the top says NEW QUESTIONS, the newest at the top. If you scroll down past all the New Topics you will see OLDER MESSAGES(by category), click the category you are looking for information about!
-- Emily in central Ky. (, June 06, 2001.
Somewhere, sometime I something about holding down the control key and entering a subject. Anyone know how that works?
-- Scaredy Cat (, June 06, 2001.
Control anf F key simultaneously enable the word find feature.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, June 06, 2001.