anyone interested in italian liquid rennet? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I am coming for my yearly visit to the States in a few weeks. If anyone is interested in some italian liquid rennet or some other italian product or seed let me know.

-- kelly (, June 04, 2001



Please make sure whatever you bring over is approved by the USDA.

Story: After WW-II my parents sponsored a displaced family from Germany. Through hard work, they made a good life for themselves and would visit Germany every so often. When I visited with them in Wisc. a couple of years ago, Willie showed me some potato plants from potates he smuggled back from Germany. Knowing they might be found in his luggage, he carried them in his coat pockets. Nothing happened, but suppose they had some type of potato blight for which U.S. potatoes had no immunity.

-- Ken S. in WC TN (, June 04, 2001.

As Ken mentioned, be careful with vegetation. An American root blight a couple hundred years ago is the reason European vineyards have to graft to American strain rootstock.

-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, June 04, 2001.

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