another CO question! : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I have been having a lot of problems getting my bike to run at low revs since fitting silmotor pipes and eprom. I checked the CO-it was a little rich[5.6%] adjusted it down to 4%,this made no difference. Fitted the original chip-bike now seems to be better at the bottom and much the same at the top! So i wonder if i have a dodgy eprom or perhaps the wrong eprom. Anyone out there had any problems with aftermarket pipes?

-- ian hall (, June 03, 2001



I have the same pipes as you, I think, I got them from Carrera in Haywards Heath, I think it's the same one that Casoli sells.

I had 3 different chips for my bike, the last one was developed specially for Carrera by a company that does chips for F1 car engines.

Not sure how you get one of these but you could talk to Dave at Powerhouse in Kent as I believe he can supply chips for these pipes.


Mark Bridger F4 representative, MVOC GB F4 Oro #109

-- Mark Bridger (, June 04, 2001.

I had the silmotor pipes installed for day. The neighbourhood and the police found they were too noisy. I had the original eprom installed which gave irregular functioning at low revs but a good powercurve

-- Patrick Maes (, June 05, 2001.

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