real estate web : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Does anybody know of a regional web site for realestate offices where I can zap an e mail to all offices in a 300 to 500 mile radius. Search area is Florida panhandle, Georgia, and LA, ( thats lower Alabama).
-- mitch hearn (, June 03, 2001
check out Just out of curiosity...why are you trying to send an email to all those offices?I'm a realtor here in Alaska and just curious.
-- marty van diest (, June 04, 2001.
Marty, because I am disabled and under funded, I do not have the time or resources to go the area and spend day upon days physically searching. Any reader who would pass this on to your local realtor in the mentioned area is appreciated, I,m seeking a 2 to 5 acre, ag zoned,very affordable, place with electricity and phone lines and hopefully a lockable building. Soil conditions are not a factor, peace and quiet are.Thanks
-- mitch hearn (, June 04, 2001.
There is a book called National Referral Roster that has all (or almost all) the realtors in the US. A local realtor should have one you can borrow or go to
-- Barb (, June 05, 2001.
Just what I was looking for Barb; warm fuzzies for you (but don't tell him I sent them)!!
-- mitch hearn (, June 07, 2001.