What would you plant this time of year for food storage?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I'm wanting to plant some garden for winter food supply, but it's late in the year to start. Ahead of me is intense heat of summer (Usually no higher than 100 degrees, but high 80's and 90's commen) until early September, when it's got 45 days until first killing frost. What would you plant this time of year for winter food?

-- Alice (okraears@hotmail.com), June 02, 2001


Are you saying there are yet 45 days after early september till early frost, or are you saying there are 45 days from NOW till early september, when it will frost? It could make a world of difference.

I would get some tomato plants immediately and set them out. They love hot weather. Just make sure they get either rain or watered at least once a week. Tomatoes are good to can or dry. I can em.

If you have 90 days before frost, I would recommend corn. (You can get very early varieties which take less than 70 days, but they make small ears.) You must blanch it, cool it, and cut it off the cob and either freeze or dry it. Canning is not a good option for corn. You have to do it in pints and can for 90 minutes at high pressure. The taste just isnt worth it. Frozen corn knocks the socks off canned.

Cabbages, turnips, and all leafy green veggies are wonderful for late crops. Plant them in early August. They can take the frost. In fact, here in virginia where it gets down to 5 degrees, kale will actually winter over till spring. And frost makes kale taste so much sweeter.

-- daffodyllady (daffodyllady@yahoo.com), June 02, 2001.

How could I have forgotten the green beans? I always plant bush Blue Lake as they do well for me. They are an absolute winter staple around here. I can or freeze them. Frozen has the best flavor; canned is quick to the table.

And green peas, they like cooler weather, you can plant them in late July for a late crop. Always freeze them, do not can peas.

-- daffodyllady (daffodyllady@yahoo.com), June 02, 2001.

I don't know what area you're from but I would thing all kinds of squash would be ok. Zuchinni, crookneck and the winter storing like table queen and sweet dumpling.

I live in So Cal where it can get really hot and don't have too much trouble with my garden through the summer.

-- jennifer (schwabauer@aol.com), June 02, 2001.

Sweet potatoes love heat.You need to buy the cuttings (slips)now cause around here it's usually the last week you can find them at nurserys or Ace hardware .If you can't find then for sale and you know someone already growing them you can take foot long cuttings and root them in water before planting them.A bundle of 50 at Ace hardware usually cost about 4 dollars. Winter squash, hubbard,acorn,pumpkin,butter nut.You need to plant these this week .If you live in an arid area( you didn't say what part of the U.S.)you can dry tomatoes,zucchini,green beans,on a screen stapled on a frame.When dry you can store in jars and throw a handful in when cooking a soup mix.Dry beans like pintos or kidney beans.What state do you live in ,people from your area will respond and say what they are planting for storage this year.From another post I get the feeling some people are storing a whole lot this year and they probably have some good storage food info.It's 25 post down from yours. Happy sowing

-- SM Steve (a12goat@cs.com), June 02, 2001.

Thanks for the suggestions. Perhaps it isn't too late yet afterall.

-- Alice (Okraears@hotmail.com), June 03, 2001.

i am asuming you are in the south and have an oct15 frost date and are asuming it will get too hot for plants well if you can provide some water ther are many heat loving plants the crowder peas ,okra,sweetpotatoes.. green beans cucumbers ,corn cabbages you have plenty of time to get them in even with a sept 1st frost date you have lots of time and would be in a cooler climate where peas and cabbages should be very happy

-- george darby (windwillow@fuse.net), June 04, 2001.

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