correct CO : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
Could anyone tell me what i should set my CO level to following fitment of silmotor pipes and eprom. The bike runs like a pig up to about 5k and sounds like it is on 3 cylinders at tickover. But,it is really strong from 6k. Any ideas?
-- ian hall (, June 02, 2001
Cagiva calls for a CO level of 4% in their instructions accompanying their CRC race pipes and eprom. I assume this would be at least an appropriate starting poiint for any performance exhaust and eprom...
-- Larry Wolf (, June 02, 2001.
Just about any vehicle will run GREAT at 3%CO. It runs "better" (stronger) at 4-5%CO. After 6 1/2% you are running too rich and will then lose power. You could go to 7 or perhaps 7 1/2% under load, say to "help" keep an engine cool if there is an overheating problem while racing, but after that it's fouled plug time. Any auto shop or motorcycle shop with a smog machine can check your CO for you. Check it at idle and also at say 2000 rpm, 4000 rpm, 6000 rpm, 8000 rpm, etc. It will tell you a lot about how your engine is doing. It is really nice to know what the CO is while the engine is under load, but you will normally need access to a dyno for that.
-- Noel Burt (, July 11, 2001.