Rooster runs amok, killing four : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Weekly World News June 1, 2001

Rooster kills 4 kids, claims abuse-excuse

HEINOLA, Finland -- A 13-pound rooster, apparently angered by loud laughter, attacked and killed four young children during a murderous rampage at a petting zoo!

The tragic victims -- three girls and a boy -- were second-graders participating in a school field trip to the traveling zoo, which houses a variety of normally docile barnyard animals.

The youngsters were in a pen with several chickens, geese and turkeys when the rooster attacked, teacher Olga Nurmi told police. "I guess their loud laughter disturbed the bird because it started squawking, then suddenly attacked," she said. "It used its beak and claws to slash at their necks and heads.

"It was horrible!"

According to witnesses, the children tried to run from the rampaging rooster, but it knocked them down and attacked them even more ferociously. Zookeepers eventually subdued the enraged bird and later shot it.

"I don't know how this could have happened," said zoo owner Tuni Lammi. "That rooster has always been extremely gentle, never vicious. I've owned this zoo for 12 years and we've never had a single animal-related accident."

The families of the young victims are considering suing Lammi for negligence and wrongful death.



Always stand by your child when he or she is petting any animal.

Never let a child ride an animal unless accompanied by an experienced handler.

Never let a child hit, poke, kick or chase an animal.

Never let a small child hand-feed an animal - a stampede can ensue. Remember: Barnyard animals may appear tame, but they can be dangerous if provoked.

Never let them smell your fear

-- (Paracelsus@Pb.Au), June 01, 2001


The children got what they deserved.

-- (Petulant_Petula@PETA.petard), June 01, 2001.

It's all Dumbya's fault. The dumbass fucker.

-- (Dumbya@dumpster.diving), June 01, 2001.

would you be making jokes,if it was your child??

-- al-d. (, June 01, 2001.

Weekly World News Al, I wouldn't take this too literally.

-- (Paracelsus@Pb.Au), June 01, 2001.

I can't believe they shot that poor bird, those fucking bastards!!

-- Cin's Friend (cinsFriend@cinsFriend.cinsFriend), June 01, 2001.



-- (cin@cin.cin), June 01, 2001.

Golly darn, we sure are getting a great start to the weekend.

A crazed cock and some drug tipped tits.

Doncha just love it?

-- Don't (pet@the.cock), June 01, 2001.

Oh Marg we hear the cock calling you.

-- hey magot (cut@this.hoe), June 01, 2001.

i feel like chicken tonight!

-- dejah-thoris (, June 01, 2001.

"Oh Marg we hear the cock calling you.

-- hey magot (cut@this.hoe), June 01, 2001. "

Well, we know it wasn't yours, you don't have one.

-- Marg (, June 01, 2001.

Isn't this the same newspaper that is sponsoring the recount of the Florida votes. The results should be available in January, Feburary, May, July, whenever we can manipulate the data to make it look like Gore won.

-- Gore is My President (, June 02, 2001.

And now a beaver also runs amok in Finland! What is going on in sauna-land?

-- Lars (, June 02, 2001.

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