greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread


I am trying to find Gerry Anderson's 'Terrahawks' on VCD - if anyone knows of where I can find these then PLEASE PLEASE help!!

Many thanks for any info.

Cheers lots again!


-- Thomas Clark (thomas.clark@energis-sqaured.com), June 01, 2001


No Gerry Anderson titles exist on commercial VCD, and the series has been out of print on VHS for years. You could likely find a bootleg (NTSC) or vintage (PAL) tape on eBay, but VCD is out of the question except possibly among collectors who made their own.

Is this what you were driving at?

-- anonymous (nospam@thanks.com), June 03, 2001.

Anything - but not VHS - I hate VHS!!

-- Thomas (thomas.clark@energis-squared.com), June 04, 2001.

Well, I guess you're shit out of luck, then.

-- anonymous (nospam@thanks.com), June 04, 2001.

I found a website recently called

www.TerrahawksDirect.com and they say that they can make you a VCD of the videos. I do not know if it will work, but why not give it a try!

Matt Norris

-- Matt Norris (TheNorris@yahoo.com), December 22, 2001.

Thanks Matt - will do.

-- Thomas (thomas.clark@energis.com), January 10, 2002.

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