Farm For Sale in NW : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Someone suggested I put this out on this forum, so here goes....Have an organic farm of 315 acres, has had no chemicals on it for about 10 years. Water is excellent, soil is unbelievably rich. This is mainly dairy country, with low population, quite remote; must drive 45 minutes to chain-type stores. Still has several viable small towns nearby. Main house is 5 years old, 4 bd 3 bath, 2200 sq ft triple wide manufactured, with open floor plan. Old house next door needs some work but certainly livable; also another older house among a beautiful stand of evergreens which needs even more work....someone with building skills. Buildings on main farm are in good condition. Majority of land is open, some tillable and growing a good crop of hay as we speak, some pasture. There are nice stands of woods too, and a few ponds in the pastures.
I'd like to sell it all together, but its more important to me to have it treated with respect by whoever takes it over ; do not want to sell it to chemical farmers. Would make a perfect place for an intentional community, if you have a bunch of people who could go in together; great grazing unit. I've just sold 13.5 acres to a couple from the city who will be using it as a market garden. She's Cambodian, and they are gentle and kind Buddhist-type people, in case that's important to anyone.
Asking $1,000 an acre, more or less, depending on if/how it needs to be divided up.
Please email me privately with questions.
-- Earthmama (, May 31, 2001
Just thought I'd respond to your thread in order to bump it up to the top of the recent answers section in case people missed seeing it.Good luck in selling everything, Earthmama.
-- Jim Morris (, June 03, 2001.