Who's Responsible for Global Warming?

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Climate Justice Fact Sheet

March 2001


Just 122 corporations account for 80% of all carbon dioxide emissions.

Oil produced by just four companies-Shell, Exxon-Mobil, BP-Amoco-Arco, and Chevron-Texaco- accounts for 10% of all carbon emissions.

Oil produced by Shell emits more carbon dioxide than most countries in the world including Canada, Brazil and Mexico.

BP-Amoco's production accounts for more emissions than those of its home country, the UK.

Exxon-Mobil's production creates emissions equivalent to 80% of those from all of Africa or South America.

Royal Dutch Shell sent 43 official representatives and lobbyists to the November 2000 climate negotiations in The Hague, a delegation larger than most countries and nearly half the size of the 100 plus person US delegation.

Economic globalization advances global warming and the fossil fuel industry's bottom line.

Since the 1992 Earth Summit, the World Bank has spent 13.6 billion dollars on fossil fuels projects which will generate 37.5 billion tons of carbon dioxide.

Ninety percent of these World Bank-sponsored oil, gas and coal projects will benefit transnational corporations based in the world's seven richest countries. Meanwhile less than 9 percent of this energy lending is devoted to meeting the energy needs of the world's poorest 2 billion people.

Last year CorpWatch launched an initiative to redefine the global warming issue as a question of local and global justice. In November 2000, CorpWatch organized the First Climate Justice Summit in The Hague bringing representatives from communities already adversely impacted by the fossil-fuel industry from the US and Southern countries together to join the climate change debate.

Climate change is seen as a political issue among nations. The US, responsible for about a quarter of all global warming gasses, is calling for greater CO2 reduction by developing nations. But many corporations emit more CO2 than most countries.

-- You Might Be Surprised (truth@out.com), May 31, 2001


"Climate change is seen as a political issue among nations."

This article and most of what is presented in the press is politics. Sure as hell isn't science. Of course you can't cut and paste the science.



-- Bemused (Bemused@comedy.xxx), May 31, 2001.

Fact: 95% of carbon dioxide emissions come from nature.

-- Buddy (buddydc@go.com), May 31, 2001.


-- Fact:Buddy likes sucking bus fumes@lunch.time (pas@fortheeasilyamused.com), May 31, 2001.

You're an anonymous coward.

The chart you cited fails to mention other sources of CO2 such as humans and animals breathing.

-- Buddy (buddydc@go.com), May 31, 2001.

And you have an email at a website run by Mickey Mouse.

ball in your court............

-- (pas@fortheeasilyamused.com), May 31, 2001.

And Kyoto will solve 'what' by exempting China, and any "developing" countries from the tenets of the treaty??!! The very same back-ass countries that have ZERO emissions standards and controls on their emissions sources.

Kyoto is not about global warming. It's about a worldwide tax scheme.

-- libs are idiots (moreinterpretation@ugly.com), May 31, 2001.

Ha ha ha! Good one. email at a site run by Mickey Mouse! Gee, now Disney wouldn't be one of the most successful companies around would it?

-- Buddy (buddydc@go.com), May 31, 2001.

Speaking of Kato, did you know Bruce Lee played him?

-- (pas@fortheeasilyamused.com), May 31, 2001.

Course Disney works. Look at all the Dumbos around. Even have King Dumbo in the WH now.

try again bunny your shot was a let....

-- (pas@fortheeasilyamused.com), May 31, 2001.

Care to comment on the fact I posted?

-- Buddy (buddydc@go.com), May 31, 2001.

also dont forget that the destruction of trees also increases the amount of co2 gas in the atmosphere. also cutting down trees causes desertification and less rainfall and reduces biodiversity!

desertification is causing topsoil to wash away and become useless for farming and is creating famine in many countries. so please, plant trees and recycle paper. and write yor congressmen! re; the below article: i am aquainted with the family discussed here, and their legal fight against the powers that be.


-- dejah-thoris (plant@trees.com), June 02, 2001.

yor congressmen? im so embarassed. and im not even from the south. yehaw!

-- dejah-thoris (aggh@aggh.com), June 02, 2001.

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