Need advice on breast to bottle feeding change : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Ladies do you have any tips for helping a 5 week old make the transition from breast feeding to bottle feeding? We already have the playtex natural shaped nipples, and are having someone other than Mom try to feed him, but he still doesn't want to have anything to do with it. Any ideas would be appreciated!

-- debra in ks (, May 30, 2001


I should have added that he has breast milk in the bottle at body temperature so its not a taste or temperature problem.

-- debra in ks (, May 30, 2001.

I had to use the platex orthodontic nipples for our baby.For the next child start a bottle from day 1 even if only a little water .Good luck .

-- Patty {NY State} (, May 30, 2001.

Debra, I found the platex natural shaped nursers to be just the opposite as I had been told (by advertising :) caused more gulping of air, since the nipple does not go into the mouth far enough. I would switch to another nipple. I recently have been watching an infant, I breast fed my 3, and was at a total loss on bottles an all. But watching this guy nursing from the platex nurser, I could instantly see the problem. I just used the regular Evenflow bottles and nipples, and now that he is 6 months have switched to the harder nipples so he can't collapse them. He came to me when he was 4 weeks old, at the same time I had infant kids on the Lambar, everyone was teasing the mom that I would just put him the Lambar with the rest of my kids! Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, May 30, 2001.

I think the NUK nipples work the best for breast fed babies. Playtex just don't have enough for the baby to grab on to.

-- Laura (, May 31, 2001.


Glad to finally have a reason to respond to another Kansas lady. :-)

When Ruth was about 2 weeks old, we tried a switch, for purposes of water, juice, and later milk. I found sugar water (light dilution) to be useful at first, but it took about a week of attempts. May I suggest that you try giving the wee babe the bottle when the little one is hungary, before offering the breast. At first aim for only a few sucks, then more the next try and such. I used the nurser at first, but I also switched to the regular wal-mart bottles and nipples, since Ruth obviously preferred them when given a choice.

Best of luck, and e-mail me if I may be of further help.

-- Marty (, May 31, 2001.

Hi, I can't help much, because I nursed till my babies were 2 yrs old. But...when I did use a bottle, I used Avent. It is Canadian made, and supposed to be much earier a transition. Hope this helps.

Blessings Maylene

-- Maylene (, June 01, 2001.

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