Canadian Farm(homestead for sale) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
We have 68 acres on the shores of lake Erie for sale.55 workable acres,rented out if you like(pays the taxes)10 aces mixed bush.150 year old 5 bedroom renovated farmhouse.Small barn,chicken coop,foaling shed and new garage.Perennial gardens,professionally landscaped,herb gardens and raised beds.Some fruit trees and grapes.On quiet road with good neighbors nearby.Land can be severed and sold for 50,000.We would prefer to sell as a package for 190,000,house valued at over 150,000.Those are canadian dollars!!!!
-- teri (, May 30, 2001
Wow Terry ,may I ask where you are moving too ? Sounds beautiful.
-- Patty {NY State} (, May 30, 2001.
The farm posted is for sale...roughly 120,ooo U.S.We are'nt moving far from it about 15 minutes,to a two story brick century home in desperate need of renovation...but the barn is gorgeous !!!!!!The farm for sale is near port dover ,or dunnville Ontario.An hour from the U.S. border
-- teri (, May 31, 2001.
Teri, I'm just curious - do you by any chance know the Bradford family that used to farm in that area? Ruth Bradford is a friend of my mom. Jean
-- Jean (, May 31, 2001.