homestead for sale (in extreme Northern AL) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
For sale seven room house and 45 acres. Nice house nearly new roof vinyl sideing, nice neighborhood, House and lot, $35,000, owner will finance with $2000 down, House and land $120,000, owner will finanace with $10,000 down. Payments aprox $8.41 per thousand per month. Example 33,000 financed payment would be aprox $277.53 per month plus taxes and insurance. Land is rolling hills with pond, spring, cave, some open some wooded. Paved road frontage with private roads into the land all over. For more infromation email me Thanks
-- David (, May 29, 2001
Just thought it may help ,you never said where this is located .
-- Patty {NY State} (, May 30, 2001.
Where is this land located?
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, May 30, 2001.
Excuse me for being an idiot. The farm is located in extreme North Alabama. The north boundry is the Al-Tenn line. Fifty miles North west from Huntsville, Alabama, 20 miles north east of Florence, Ala.
-- David (, May 30, 2001.
Are there any covenants on the land or other land use restrictions? Is there county wide zoning there? or is there any plans for countywide zoning????
-- Suzy in Bama (, May 31, 2001.
We have wanted to move to where my husband's family has been for the last 350 years (They arrived in America on the ship Safety in the 1600s, no joke!). However, I keep up with where nuke facilities are located, and we do not want to live within 60 miles of a nuclear plant. Northern Ala. has two nuke facilities, both near Huntsville. One of them, Browns Ferry near Athens, they are now considering to bring out of dormancy. I hope they don't. When Trojan was closed down near Portland Oregon, the leukemia rate in a 50 mile radius dropped way down.
-- Catherine (, October 14, 2001.