buy acres on land contract,,WV, : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi,,I am now seriously looking to buy a few acres but need to buy on "land contract", (low down or no down and low monthly payments.) Am looking for 4 to 10 acres. Am looking at WV or Ky,May consider other areas like Tn or VA. If anyone knows of someone selling on these terms,,would appreciate any helpful information...I am looking at newspapers online,,but usually don't see those kinds of ads.I am learning and considering land taxes,little or no restrictions and areas where I can have my animals and buildings in peace. Also want a creek and/or some natural springs would be great. Also woods, (love trees)and some open area for a trailer.
I am excited now that I can actually start towards my goal. Owning my own land. Look forward to your input,,:-)...Keep safe
-- Patsy, MT (, May 28, 2001
Patsy,There are tons of places on contract here where I live in KY. All you need is about 1,000 down and make the payments. Kentucky Land has places with trailors or old houses, barns also.
I live in Hardin County about 12 miles west of Elizabethtown. Breckinridge and Grayson counties have no planning and zoning. I know just about all the properties, so email me if you see one you might be interested in. We looked at almost all of them before we took this place off the market this spring. Also is:
Has allot of land ads in it. Select Louisville, and then land for sale or real estate for sale. There is allot listed in there for sale by Ky-land, MHD, The Land Store, etc. They sell the properties on contract for deed, and as long as you insist they register with the courthouse, it's all safe and legal as long as you make the payments. I bought my first farm from them in KY and I know most of them. How many are in your family? Do you need to work in town? Maybe that will help me to look for you. Our taxes are very low here, and there are tons of places you can be totally isolated from traffic and nieghbors.
-- Cindy in KY (, May 28, 2001.
Hi Cindy,,thanks so much for the information,,,I am checking out some of the sites you sent me. If I move to Ky, I would be interested in SE,KY most likely. I have friends in WV and that would be closer.Sounds like there are lots of possibilities there in Ky. When I get brochures from realestate folks there,I never see any good deals. I know they are trying to make a lot of money quickly,,,so don't tell about the easier obtainable land.
I am hoping some folks from WV will offer some information also. Haven't heard a "peep" from WV,,,:-)
I sent you more info in an email...thanks again and I always enjoy your post and comments on the forum,,,catch you later,,and look forward to any land info you can send me. Take care,,,,,
-- Patsy, MT (, June 02, 2001.
Patsy, I don't know much about SE Kentucky. Jean is down in the southern part of Kentucky. Go to the archives, Anybody From ?, and find KY and WV. That might help you some. Let me know if I can help more.
-- Cindy in KY (, June 02, 2001.
I have some wooded land with some nice spots for a home or cabin, close the backwaters of the Burnsville Dam and between the Sutton & Stonewall Jackson Dams. Property is basically geographical center of state.(wv) Land can be owner financed with reasonable terms. I have 23.43 acres in this particular track. You can visit Falls Mill Wv on the web at, or email me for more information or a viewing
-- tommy wimer (, January 05, 2002.