did something change here? (Forum Related)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
or is it just me? I thought all the new entrys went on the bottom. so thats the first place i go. I just noticed ( i have never really paid much attention to the dates on posts) that they are added to top. Has this always been? or did they change it here recently. I hope they changed it, cause id feel awful stupid if not.
-- MikeinKS (mhonk@oz-online.net), May 27, 2001
About two weeks ago an informal vote was taken, and a clear (near unanimous i believe) majority voted for the change.A side note: did you know you could search by using CONTROL + F ?
-- Rick K (rick_122@hotmail.com), May 27, 2001.
Rick:CONTROL + F will only search on thread titles within new threads or by category.
Another helpful tip is if you get a 'This Page Cannot Be Displayed' notice, hold down the Ctrl key and click on the reload button. This usually works.
On the change in thread order, in the past several people have commented on other forums use newest first and it is easier than having to start from bottom up. Thus, the change when those who voted, voted for newest first.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (scharabo@aol.com), May 27, 2001.
I noticed it too and thought "what is happening here?" but just searched till I realized that the 'new' post are now at the top...I like it, easier and quicker to find. Thanks for the improvement staff,,,
-- Patsy, MT (cozyhollow-gal@care2.com), May 27, 2001.