I don't know (Re: Chipley, FL)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Has anyone had direct dealings with the people in Chipley, Florida conserning land purchases? Since gasoline is now at an arm per mile I want to be sure I'm not chasing untamed large feathered lawn ornaments. Also, does anyone have any proof of a connection with 1600 Penn Ave., D.C. and the currant gas ripoff?
-- mitch hearn (moopups1@aol.com), May 25, 2001
Hi Mitch, I moved from the Florida Keys to Chipley three years ago, I love it here. There is a fellow here named Frank Pierce who sells land in 5 and 10 acre pieces. Small down and a land contract,most are on dirt roads with electric and phone lines. About 20 miles south of Chipley. It has become quite a homestead type community. Everybody seems to mind thier own business and at the same time are willing to help(trading labor for labor etc.)850 638 7606 is Frank's phone number. After living in the Keys ( for 20 years) where you needed a permit to fix a screen door the freedom here is overwhelming.Hope this helps Daryll
-- Daryll (twincrk@hotmail.com), May 26, 2001.
I live in Panama City FL which is south about 45 miles from Chipley. This area ia a wonderful place to live but ~ if what the property seller is selling is water access property, in other words, on a pond. With Florida's drought all the ponds up in that area have dried up. So you might want to look into the value of the land without the pond. Of course this happens periodically and in all likelyhood the ponds will fill again sometime in the future, but when and for how long is speculative. I have several friends who purchases properties up in that area. Built nice homes on their five acre plots and then lost there waterview. They love the area but their homes are not worth very much now. Also the drive to and from work is on a two- lane road. Which neither of these might bother you, just thought you might want to know.
-- Blue Taylor (Touch2g@AOL.com), June 01, 2001.