used well drilling rig and/or advice : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
we are in south central colorado and are planning to drill 6 wells within the next few years. it seems much more economical to do it ourselves in this case so now we're in search of equipment. if any of you can point us to some used equipment that could go through some rock and make it down to approx 300' and leave us with a 4'" casing we would really appreciate it. also, i've been looking at the archives and seen mention of people building their own. any advice of this nature would be great too, although i have to say i'm not sure i've understood all that i've read on that subject. is it even possible to make your own that will go that deep? anyway, we would really love the help, thankyou- jo
-- jo delAmor (, May 25, 2001
Wow, Jo, SIX wells? Where in Colorado are you? I live in eastern Colorado, east of Colorado Springs, and we're lucky to get a permit for one here. The water table is dropping so drastically. A well driller lives just a mile from me, so I'll ask him about used equipment of the type you're looking for. Jan
-- Jan in CO (, May 26, 2001.
thanks janice, i hope he's got some info for us. the reason we're going to be drilling 6 wells is that we are forming an eco-village. we have 480 acres in the san luis valley to work with and instead of subdividing and planting houses all over it, we're going to move foward with cluster development, which is more favored by the county commision. anyway, the idea is that we would have 4 little clusters of three houses each- a well for each- and then we'll need another well or two for community buildings. thanks for your help. jo.
-- jo delAmor (, May 26, 2001.
We just started drilling our wells.The rig will be put up for sell when we finish. Bettie
-- Bettie Ferguson (, May 27, 2001.