S&A Diesel Locomotive's Paint Scheme

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

The only photos of the S&A's desiels I've seen are all of Baldwins painted in blue and yellow. I know the Central aquired them in 1951. Did they ever own any other motive power or have any other paint scheme until the Southern takeover of 1963?

-- Richard Cole Jr. (raracole@prodigy.net), May 25, 2001


In addition to the DRS 6-4-15's, and AS-416's, the S&A also had at least one VO-1000, #22. This unit was acquired from the CofG, where it also carried the #22. The cab logo on the VO-1000 was different from that used on the other Baldwins, which had the stainless steel S&A letters applied to the cab sides. The VO-1000 logo had the name Savannah & Atlanta spelled out. See page 143 of the CofG Album. In this shot, it appears to still carry the CofG Right Way scheme, with the only addition of the S&A logo.

-- Russell Underwood (Jay611@home.com), May 29, 2001.

Pullman Green? Seems too dark, to me.

I was thinking more along the lines of Weyerhauser Green. This is the closest match to my eye from the 3 or 4 dupes I have. I don't think there is much color shift in these shots, as most everything in the background looks to be the right colors.

-- Russell Underwood (Jay611@home.com), May 28, 2001.


I don't think that any of the S&A's Baldwins were ever painted blue and yellow. They were painted green (similar to Pullman green). The large S&A emblems on the cab were actually metal, with a red background and aluminum colored letters. The "flames" on each end were yellow, probably similar to dulux gold. These big Baldwins were the only diesels that the S&A owned prior to the 1963 Southern takeover.

The S&A rostered quite a fleet of steam locomotives. These are covered in some detail in the Prince Central of Georgia book.

Although the S&A was purchased by the CofGa in 1951, they continued to operate as a separate railroad until around the time of the 1963 takeover by the Southern.

After that, the S&A received several EMD GP35s in black/imitation aluminum (Southern-style) paint with Savannah & Atlanta lettering. I think that all of these came with Alco trucks.

Allen Tuten

-- Allen Tuten (allen@cofg.org), May 25, 2001.

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