Atheist Corner - Thought of the Day "Something to Think About " : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Two questions:

1.What is the most common food that people choke to death on in American restaurants? 2.What is the Number One killer in the U.S.?

The most common food that people choke to death on in American restaurants is hard-boiled egg yoke, and the Number One killer in the U.S. is death. There is a lot of it around.

Think about it for a moment: everything you hold dear to you is going to be torn from your hands by death.

Whether we like it or not, we are all part of the ultimate statistic:

Ten out of ten die.

No doubt you have wondered why death separates us from our loved ones. This happens because we have broken an eternal Law.

Let's look at the Law (the Ten Commandments) and see if we have broken any of them in any way (with a tender conscience, let's ask ourselves if we have obeyed the following):

1.You shall have no other gods before Me (have we loved God above all else?).

2.You shall not make yourself a graven image (make a god to suit ourselves, with our hands or our mind).

3.You shall not take God's name in vain.

4.Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy.

5.Honor your father and mother.

6.You shall not murder (hatred is considered as murder).

7.You shall not commit adultery (lust is adultery of the heart; includes sex before marriage).

8.You shall not steal (the value is irrelevant).

9.You shall not lie (including answering these questions).

10.You shall not covet.

The Bible says that God will punish all murderers, rapists, thieves, liars, adulterers, etc. He will even judge our words and thoughts. On Judgment Day, will you be found to be guilty or innocent of breaking His Law?

Perhaps you think that God is good, and will therefore overlook your sins. But it is His goodness that will make sure murderers, rapists, thieves, liars, etc. receive justice. He would be a corrupt Judge if He turned a blind eye to injustice.

God, however, made a way where His justice and His goodness could meet. We broke the Law, but He became a man to pay the fine.

-- Atheist Corner (Truth or@Consequences.con), May 24, 2001


Hard boiled egg yolks?!

Why did God insist that Abel's offering of a dead sheep was better than Cain's offering from the garden? Cain worked harder to grow the food than Abel did following sheep around. Why would God need to see blood to be worshipped properly?

-- helen (sdf@ghj.sdf), May 24, 2001.

Thank you oh Gatekeeper.

-- Lars (, May 24, 2001.

The most common food that people choke to death on in American restaurants is hard-boiled egg yoke

Link please.

-- (Paracelsus@Pb.Au), May 24, 2001.

Why did God insist that Abel's offering of a dead sheep was better than Cain's offering from the garden?

Tyndale's Life Application Study Bible says on page 14: The Bible does not say why God rejected Cain's sacrifice. Perhaps Cain's attitude was improper, or perhaps his offering was not up to God's standards. God evaluates both our motives and the quality of what we offer Him. When we give to God and others, we should have a joyful heart because of what we are able to give. We should not worry about how much we are giving up, for all thing's are God's in the first place. Instead, we should joyfully give to God our best in time, money, possessions, and talents. I hope that answers your question.

Why would God need to see blood to be worshipped properly?

God demands the shedding of blood to cover our sin in the Old Testament/(Covenant). In the New Testament/(Covenant), Jesus' sacrifice on the cross was the perfect and final payment/sacrifice for sin of all time. Past, present ands future.

Gods demand for temporary payment of sin thoughout the Old Testament, was shed lamb's blood. This and the 'law' were pointing us towards the need of a savior. A savior that came in the form of Jesus Christ. (Jesus Christ life and death were prophecised in the Old Testament).

Through the shed blood of Jesus, also known as the 'Lamb of God'. We now have a means of total forgiveness of sin in our lives. All we need do is repent (of sin - the law shows us we are sinners), accept (Jesus as savior) and be baptised.

-- Atheist Corner (Truth or@Consequences.con), May 24, 2001.

Weeds are a curse from God.

Uh, I like weeds. I think they are pretty. Is there something wrong with me just cause I don't have an edged, well-cut lawn?

-- (@ .), May 24, 2001.

AC, the WHY part is important too. WHY is it this way instead of another way?

-- helen (asd@asd.asd), May 24, 2001.

There is Power in the Blood

words and music by Lewis E. Jones, lyrics incomplete

From the soundtrack of The Apostle

Would you be free from your burden of sin?

There is power in the blood, power in the Blood.

Would you o'er evil a victory win?

There is wonderful power in the Blood.


There is power, power, wonder-working power

In the Blood of the Lamb

There is power, power, wonder-working power

In the precious Blood of the Lamb

Would you be free from your passion and pride?

There is power in the Blood, power in the Blood

Come for a cleansing to Calvary's tide

There is wonderful power in the Blood


Would you be whiter, much whiter than snow? There is power in the Blood, power in the Blood Sin stains are lost in it's life-giving flow There is wonderful power in the Blood

-- (Paracelsus@Pb.Au), May 24, 2001.

you got it para] life is in the=blood. JESUS gave his life-so we can live=eternally,with HIM/GOD.

-- al-d. (, May 24, 2001.

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