Republican Fundraising Apparatus Has Gone Out of Control : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread


Flagrant Violation of Law Which Prohibits Fundraising on Government Property

Republican Fundraising Apparatus Has Gone Out of Control – Special Counsel Now Needed To Investigate Apparent Violations Of Law

(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch, the public interest law firm that investigates and prosecutes government and public corruption, announced today that it would institute legal action concerning a RNC fundraising event for hundreds of Republican donors last night at the government residence of Vice President Dick Cheney. Among other laws, the event was a prima facie violation of the prohibition of the use of federal property for political fundraising purposes.

Judicial Watch has already initiated legal action against the National Republican Senatorial Committee and National Republican Congressional Committee over similarly illegal and unethical fundraising practices, including selling access to Bush Cabinet officials, Bush foreign policy officials, foreign ambassadors, and other federal employees. Republican Speaker Denny Hastert and Republican Senator Peter Fitzgerald, among other Republican lawmakers, have repudiated these fundraising tactics.

“The Republican fundraising apparatus is out of control. Their brazen disregard for law and ethics is approaching Clintonian levels. The Vice President’s involvement has now pushed this Republican scandal up to a new level. Attorney General John Ashcroft must now appoint a special counsel to investigate the apparent violations of law by high level Administration officials,” stated Judicial Watch Chairman Larry Klayman.

“Judicial Watch has been second to none in trying to hold the Clinton gang accountable for their fundraising illegalities, having ‘gotten the ball rolling’ on Chinagate back in 1996. Obviously, Republicans are also accountable to the law. And Judicial Watch will continue to remind them of that in the courts and elsewhere,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.


-- Cherri (, May 23, 2001


“The Republican fundraising apparatus is out of control. Their brazen disregard for law and ethics is approaching Clintonian levels. The Vice President’s involvement has now pushed this Republican scandal up to a new level.

-- Cherri (, May 23, 2001.

JW and Larry Klayman? You have got to be kidding here. Guy is probably the biggest a-hole on the political landscape.

This JW action will die as it has already. It will become legend and myth. It will do only one thing, legitimize Larry Klayman and his ridiculous JW further. Which means more dough and ego stroking for a guy doing NOTHING even ordinary.

A freaking 4th grader could tell you Politics is the land of cheats and scumballs. One could point their eye at ANY politician and find "suspicious activity". Most times it only describes the current state of politics. Everyone knows the shit goes on, no secret. Cept to joe blow in bumfuck nowhere who still thinks the game basically fair. Something everyone on this here forum knows is pure baloney.

System is corrupt completely. JW is playing on stupidity for bucks. They pick anyone and anyplace which even smells the least bit "suspicious". Well wupty do-do, what a revelation. JW plays on RUMORS and innuendos. Klayman wants it to appear he is some pseudo- official organization when the truth is, he is just a glossed over Drudge if that. Playing on simpletons. Appearing to be some savior from all the bad people. Give me a break.

So apparently the OBVIOUS CROOK Dickhead Chainee threw a party which MAY have been a wee bit BADD. News would be if Dick didn't do something "suspicious". Gee no kidding JW. Where was JW when Bush and the Moonies threw their after election victory shindig? Look we are talking Dick "Haliburton" Cheney here. A man so corrupt, so dishonest, so arrogant, it is mindboggling. It also says volumes about our system. A system which embraces this turd and elects it VP. JW is WAY Late if they think their stupidass lawsuit gunna do shit.

Nothing against you Cherri, but this story is yesterdays news. It means zero in the grand scheme of what is a totally corrupt system. JW is scam MHO.

-- This Dem says to hell with JW (judici@lwhores.con), May 24, 2001.

This is an excellent post, Cherri. Your critic is the sort of Dem whose ringing defense of Clinton's corruption is "everybody does it."

-- Peter Errington (, May 24, 2001.

My Hero, by Joseph Farah

Clinton, Conspiracism, and the Continuing Culture War

JW and Larry Klayman are one of the more successful fronts for Richard Mellon Scaife. Dick Cheney did something to piss-off Scaife. This is what this latest caper from the ridiculous JW is about. It has ZERO to do with anything but a person feud between Scaife and Cheney.

I think it critical folks here do a little research on this Judical Watch organization. Look at the lawsuits, the stories, the agendas, and the tactics. Look at how a guy with some bucks and open doors can muddy the waters to the point we almost impeached a sitting President over little more than a BJ and definition of what "sex" is or isn't.

Nevermind a person's right to be secure in their affairs. Eight freaking years they badgered Clinton. Like him or not, whatever Bill guilty of is not worth trashing his rights. If they can do it to him, what are yours worth?

We have lost the Press people. The information flow now comes from hucksters and grandstanders. These extremists have moved into the vacumm created by the loss of objective Journalism.

-- This Dem says to hell with JW (judic@lwhores.con), May 24, 2001.

I'm real dubious about the theory that JW is going after the Republicans because of a feud with Cheney.

I don't know everything JW did during the Clinton Administration. I was not aware that it was involved in any way with Operation BJ. But some of the grief JW caused Clinton was entirely justified. At least they had the wit to realize that Filegate was an outrage, a scandal, of truly major proportions, unlike people such as you.

-- Peter Errington (, May 24, 2001.

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