Free rent Stilwell : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
We have a 120 acre farm on the Oklahoma Arkansas state line east of Stillwell Oklahoma and 35 miles north of Ft. Smith Arkansas. We have been giving thought to buying a trailer and moving it in for a couple or person to live in rent FREE in exchange the person(s) could help with clearing a fence line and fencing the property. They would be able to keep their own live stock and have a garden and all that goes with country living. We most likely wont be able to get back for working the area this year due to the wifes health but hope to be able to return spring of 2002. I woulkd like to hear from anyone that might be interested in the area and discuss it with them. Also any sugestions on how to chose the right people and what questions to ask and type of references to get will be appreciated. This isnt something we will rush into but want to find the right people to stay for many years... we live in Tx and only plan to be there spring tell Fall (snow bird it back here then)LOL.One, NON negociable, point will be HONESTY of any one interested,should any untruths be found out I am not interested in having You on the farm... need a TRUSTWORTHY family.
Have any others on the Forum had experience selecting good tennets? Thanks for all answers and enquries.
God Bless and have a GREAT weekend. Charles Steen
-- Charles Steen (, May 23, 2001
Mr. Steen, I wish you luck in finding a good tenant. I tried for over a year to find someone who was interested in moving into my home (on 15 acres in Florida) and would help out with my garden, etc when I am working away from home. Never did find anyone- Florida seems not to be a hotspot for potential homesteaders! I finally just got a non- homesteading roommate who pays $450/month plus 1/2 the utilities. I pay my neighbor's kid $20/wk to look after my chickens when I am gone- a heck of a lot more than the chickens are worth, but it's a quality of life issue for me- I like having them here when I am home. The garden, unfortunately, still suffers. You might have better luck with your situation, especially if you can provide accomodations for a family. I spoke with our local sheriff's office regarding screening of potential tenants and they were most helpful. They said that they could help me with background checks, etc once I found a prospect. You might do the same before you invite anyone to take up residence unsupervised. The sheriff also told me to check with previous employers, etc to see how stable a work history someone had. Additionally, run a credit check- this usually costs around $25 and the cost should be paid by the applicant. Do this even if they will not be paying rent. You can tell a lot about a person's character by reading their credit report. Also, make sure that any agreement you have is put into writing. Even if both parties are in agreement at the beginning, there is a lot of room for misunderstandings, forgetfullness, etc. Even if the party will be living rent free, get a written lease spelling out the terms, and specify the duration (one year is recommended, and you can always renew yearly as long as the arrangement is working out)so that if you have to ask them to leave you have the legal right to do so. You would be suprised at how hard it is to evict a tenant from YOUR property, even with all the paperwork in order. Good luck, and I hope it works out for you.
-- Elizabeth (, May 23, 2001.
Charles, I to wish you the best and agree about getting every thing in writing. If you have to go to court, then the judge knows what was agreed on. Most times it's just he said you said and it doesn't count. Also theres a Christian forum you might want to go to: God be with you in your search. We worked for a farmer for two years, caring for his 60 acres and 30 head of cattle, we also split the cost of raising pigs and chickens. We learned so much because he came over quite a few week ends and one week out of the year.
-- Joanne (, May 23, 2001.
How about the young man , wife and daughter who where having problems with his parents ? I think it was Kenneth or Keith ?
-- Patty {NY State} (, May 24, 2001.
Good Morning Mr. Steen, I'm writing this letter in response to your search of a good tenant. My name is Chad Agombar, a young christian man with a beautiful wife and two young children. We have a 7 year old Daughter by the name of Jillian Renee and a 3 year old boy who rarly answers to his name which is Hunter Dylan. I found your letter while browsing the internet for a house to rent for my family. Although I notice the date on most responses are back in May, today being July 5th, 2001, I'm still wondering if your opportunity of freedom is still available? If you could contact me @ your earliest convenience at my E-mail address Thank you & God BlessChad, Courtney, Jillian and Hunter.
-- Chad Agombar (, July 05, 2001.
Did you find a care-taker for you property?
-- (, November 04, 2001.
I doubt that this is still an available offer . . . . but I just found myself having to comment to the person (Elizabeth I believe it was) who commented that you can tell a lot about a person from their credit report.I wholeheartedly disagree with that statement. . . . having a sibling who "assumed my identity" per se and messed up my credit report seems to have colored my thinking on this issue. I am NOT responsible for the behaviour of someone else and without absolute proof of this having happened, with lawyers, police reports (which I cannot seem to obtain), there is NO WAY to remove this information from my credit report!!!
So because my sibling (sister) gave my social security number, dob and name as being hers . . . made bogus charges and ran up bills. . . I should be penalized for this???? I did not ask to be born into the family nor did I ask to have a sister like the one I was saddled with so why should I be the one to suffer for her misdeads?!?!?!
Just my two cents worth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- wolfie (, December 19, 2001.
Dear Mr. Steen, My name is Brody Akoneto and I am 22 years old, half native american, and am currently pursuing a degree in Agriculture.I have no idea if your quest has found an end but if not, I would like to say that this sounds like an opportunity of a lifetime. I was raised in the country around Chickasha, Oklahoma(so.central) and am no stranger to real work. Along with always having been drawn away from the bustle and hustle of life in a big city, I love to ride my horses. That is until my mother had to sell them when we moved to Lubbock, Texas. We eventually moved back to Oklahoma and I currently do not own any livestock. OK, back to the point, I think your offer is a gold mine for any Honest, dependable, hard working, clean, Christian person. I hope to eventually be able to offer some one an opportunity like yours, but as my sister says:"...the turtle gets nowhere if he doesn't stick his neck out"...I know that along with remaining patient and keeping my joy in the will of God, all will be made possible in due time. So until then, any response from you will be greatly appreciated. Have a good day Sincerely, Brody Akoneto
-- Brody Akoneto (, January 25, 2002.
Mr Steen, My hubby and I might be interested if the offer is still open. We do have 2 children ( girls ) ages 5 and 6. We homeschool and keep the girls in agri projects such as 4-h. Just let me know, Thank you for your time. Kristean THompson
-- Kristean Thompson (, March 19, 2002.