Your All-Time Greatest Ajax : LUSENET : Ajax USA : One Thread |
This is the place to discuss your all-time favorite Ajax players, and to describe your "best eleven" team for Ajax.
-- Anonymous, May 23, 2001
I think Ajax is the most magical team in the world.There always a lot of perfect footballer.This is my best eleven:van der Sar,Korl,Koeman,Frank Rijkaard(I love him very much),Blind,Neeskens,Overmars,Bergkamp,Marco van Basten(my all-time greatest footballer),Cruyff(C). Could you give me something about Marco and Frank?Thank you.
-- Anonymous, December 06, 2002
1-Stuy.2-Suurbier.3-Krol.4-Lerby.5-Rijkaard.6-Neeskens.7-Swart.8- Haan.9-VanBasten.10-Cruijff.11-Keizer.Sub:12-VanderSar.13-FdeBoer.14-Hulshoff.15-Arnesen.16-GMühren.17- Overmars.18-Litmanen.
-- Anonymous, November 07, 2002
1. vdSar; 2. Krol; 3. Koeman; 4. Rijkaard; 5. Silooy; 6. Davids; 7. Bergkamp; 8. Neeskens; 9. van Basten; 14. Cruijff; 11. Overmars.Subs: Keizer, F de Boer, vdVaart, Litmanen, Kluivert, Reiziger, van't Schip
-- Anonymous, November 07, 2002 fact i KNEW he was english...I just had a one second folly, a sorta confusion with Pat Bonner...I'm quite ashamed but....All the way, sorry.
-- Anonymous, October 31, 2002
Peter Shilton was English.
-- Anonymous, October 30, 2002
As for Hans Van Breukelen he indeeed played for Forrest. He replaced the great irish goalkeeper Pete Shilton.Talking about it, my books (yeah i was just 0 years old...) tell me that the legendary Forrest of 78-79 and 79-80 eliminated Ajax in 80 in semi finals (2-0 / 0-1) and that a guy named Lerby, from Ajax AFC was the top scorer with 10 goals (which is a huge total when you think about it)...And it seems that another Ajax legend Mr Van Basten scored 10 goals with Milan in 89).
But i have to celebrate Mr Altafina from Milan AC who the all time CL top scorer with 14 goals in the 50's ...But football was a bit more open then. For an example Just Fontaine scored 13 goals in a world cup in Sweden in 58.
Bye and cheers to you all.
-- Anonymous, October 01, 2002
Well the most important is to put Bergkamp in the team....This guy is like a kinda god when he handles the leather....It makes me think of playground Harlem basketball players .....Marco Van Basten gets his place wihtout a problem, i'll put Rijkaard and Cruijff too.And what about Sonny Silooy and Stanley Menzo ??? 8OD
-- Anonymous, October 01, 2002
formation 3-4-3 Sar, Blind-Suurbier-Krol-Rijkaard, Neeskens-Litmanen-Piet Keizer, Swart-Cruijff-van Basten Subs:Stuy, Silooy, Lerby, Bergkamp,Piet van Reenen
-- Anonymous, October 01, 2002
Rich is right. Adri van Tiggelen played for Anderlecht in Brussels, and for PSV. I think he started at Sparta, but I'm not 100% sure of that. But he never played for Ajax, that's a sure thing.Hans van Breukelen played for FC Utrecht, PSV and an English side, I believe it was Nottingham Forest. Ajax fans HATED him...
-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002
Menno, or anyone who knows, Could anyone verify this, but I do not think that Van Tiegelen and Van Breuklen ever wore an Ajax jersey. This is in reference to the latest all time Ajax side.Thanks,
-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002
1. V.D. Sar; 2.Reizieger; 3. Blind(C); 4. F. DeBoer; 5. Davids; 6. V.D. Vaart; 7. Bergkamp; 8.Cruyff; 9. Van Basten; 10. Krol; 11. Overmars; Substitutes: 12. Van Brekelen; 13. Van Tiegelen; 14. Seedorf; 15. Chivu; 16. Arveladze; 17. Kluivert; 18. Litmanen
-- Anonymous, August 27, 2002
1)Edwin Van der Sar, 2)Reiziger, 3)Danny Blind, 4)Aron Winter, 5) Frank Rijkaard, 6)Edgar Davids, 7)Jari Litmanen, 8)Johan Cruijff, 9) Marco van Basten, 10)Patrick Kluivert, 11)Marc Overmars
-- Anonymous, August 24, 2002
1. Van der Sar 2. Michael Reiziger. 3. Velibor Vasovic 4. Frank de Boer 5. Winston Bogarde 6. Rafael van der Vaart 7. Johan Cruyff 8. Patrick Kluivert 9. Marco van Basten 10. Finidi George 11. Ronald de Boer.subs: 1. Stanley Menzo 2. Christian Chivu 3. Tomas Galasek 4. Edgar Davids 5. Nikos Machlas
-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002
1.Van der Sar 2.Suurbier Boer 4.Rijkaard 5.Krol 6.Neeskens 7.Swart 8.van der Vaart 9.van Basten 10.Cruiff 11.KeizerSubs: Stuy, Chivu, Koeman, Litmanen, Davids, Bergkamp, Kluivert
-- Anonymous, August 13, 2002
1.Van Der Sar 2. F.De Boer 3. R.Krol 4. F. Rijkaard 5. D.Blind 6. E.Davids 7. J.Neeskens 8. M.Overmars 9. M Van Basten 10. D.Bergkamp 14. J.Cruyff (captain)subs: Grim, Chivu, Haan, Kluivert, Keizer (as a big fan of Nottingham Forest too, i'd love to add Bryan Roy.... but....)
coach: Michels
-- Anonymous, July 22, 2002
1. van der Sar 2. Reizeger 3. Blind 4. Rijkaard 5. Krol 6. Neeskens 7. van't Schip 8. van der Vaart 9. van Basten 10.Cruijff 11.KeizerSUBS: Schrijvers, Koeman, F. de Boer, Davids, Litmanen, de Wit, Kluivert
COACH: since Cruijff is a player and I can't stand van Gaal anymore I choose Rinus Michels
-- Anonymous, July 19, 2002
best 11 not by position (except vd Sar): Cruyff, Neeskens, Krol, Rijkaard, Davids, van Basten, Bergkamp, Overmars, de Haan, F. de Boer
-- Anonymous, May 08, 2002
1.Vd Sar 2.F.De Boer 3.V.Vascovic 4.D.Blind. 5.F.Rijkaard 6.J.Neeskens. 14.J.Cruijff. 7.J.Littmanen. 8.Petterson 9.M Van Basten.10.V.Kift
-- Anonymous, May 06, 2002
In addition to Menno's all-time worst Ajax line up:On the reserves: Leo van Veen. Mister FC Utrecht retired from forward and was supposed to play the "libero" position at Ajax. Never once crossed the center line during his games at Ajax. Was many times outrun by opponents. Dissapeared to Canada. Is now on the coaching staff at Ajax. What on earth does he teach the players??
Pál Fischer (note the accent on the "a"). Mysterious Hungarian who never bothered to speak even one word of Dutch. Therefore completely unable to communicate with any of his teammates. Scored some goals, left after one season.
Hans Galje. Goalkeeper bought from Den Haag as a promising talent. Never was a threat for Piet Schrijvers or later Stanley Menzo (yes him!).
John V.d. Brom. Real nice guy, great technique, very slow. The personification of the "peter principle": people will advance until they're at a level that they are incompetent. Ajax was his level of incompetency.
-- Anonymous, April 27, 2002 boer-w.suurbier d.blind-j.neeskens- j.cruyf-bergkamp-v.basten-ruud geels
-- Anonymous, April 21, 2002
Aziz: Ruud Gullit never played for Ajax. He is an Amsterdammer, but played for Haarlem, feyenerd and p$v before moving to AC Milan.
-- Anonymous, March 10, 2002
I'm very impressed with you guys list of All Time Greatest ... but put your selection on side because I also have mine ... with 3-4-3 system and coach by Van Gaal1. Van Der Sar 2. Ronald D Boer 3. Blind 4. Frank D Boer 5. B Laudrup 6. Litmanen 7. Cruyff 8. Overmars 9. Bergkamp 10. Van Basten 11. Kluivert
Subs 12. Kanu 13. Davids 14. Rijkard 15. Dani 16. Gullit
Saya adalah peminat Ajax dari Malaysia!
-- Anonymous, March 09, 2002
well I'd say:1 Heinz Stuy, 2. Wim Suurbier, 3. Danny Blind, 4. Johan Neeskens, 5. Ruud Krol, 6. Ronald de Boer, 7. Jan de Natris, 8. Richard Witschge, 9. Marco van Basten, 10. Johan Cruijff, 11. Rob de Wit
but of course there are several possibilities, Ajax had a lot of great players.
-- Anonymous, December 17, 2001
1 Edwin Van der Sar, 2 Micheal Reiziger, 3 Danny Blind, 4 Frank Rijkaard, 5 Frank de Boer, 6 Ronald de Boer, 7 Piet Keizer, 8 Rafael Van Der Vaart, 9 (San) Marco Van Basten, 10 (14) Johan Cruijf, 11 Marc Overmars (Yeah) A complete Dutch Ajax team, in the original Ajax numbers.
-- Anonymous, October 15, 2001
My favoutite match was definatly the Champions League-final AJAX - AC MILAN in 1995. I was only 8 years olda at that time, but i can still remember the great feeling i had when Patrick Kluiver (still one of my favorite players, sometimes awfull but most times BRILLIANT!) scored the 1-0 for Ajax and made us win the champions leagueGREETZ, FRANS
-- Anonymous, October 10, 2001
1van der sar 2frank der boer 3blind 4finidi george 5rijkaard 6ari haan 7b.laudrup 8kanu 9the best ever, van basten 10cryuff 11overmars
-- Anonymous, October 02, 2001
Since we have no separate thread for it, I'll post it here...MY CRAPPIEST, SHITTIEST AJAX LINE-UP EVER!! :-)
That is: the crappiest, shittiest Ajax team consisting of players I have seen playing myself. Which means it's the Shittiest Ajax Eleven, 1983-2001. Here we go:
1. STANLEY MENZO - This is not a 'politically correct' choice. Stan is very popular with Ajax fans, cos he's a real Amsterdammer and a real Ajacied. Nevertheless, there's no other goalkeeper I've seen who made so many blunders. Fred Grim is a saint compared to Stan. His volleyball own goal against Auxerre (UEFA Cup, 1993) was his finest hour.
2. MARCIO SANTOS - After having won the World Cup with Brazil in 1994, Marcio Santos needed a few years' vacation. Therefore, he decided to sign a contract with Ajax. After two years' vacation, he left again.
3. HANS WERDEKKER - Who?? Yeah, really. We once had a defender named Hans Werdekker. Cruijff bought him in 1988. Cruijff is not so good at buying players (see: Frank Stapleton). Werdekker played no more than seven games. Thank God.
4. FRANK VERLAAT - Ajax fans nicknamed him 'Te Laat', which means 'Too Late'. That pretty much explains his spot in this team.
5. WALTER MEEUWS - Belgian. He was slow, he didn't get the Ajax system. He was very friendly, but so is my mom.
6. ARON WINTER 'THE SECOND' - Was this really the same guy who left Ajax in 1992?? Was this the guy who wore the number 10 at Lazio?? There's still a voice in my head telling me that it was his lazy brother. I loved Aron The First; hated Aron The Second.
7. NORDIN WOOTER - No speed, no cross, no shot, no goalgetter's instict, no dribbles. Nothing. But he came from the Holy Ajax Youth on exactly the right moment (1995-1996), so he was bought by some Spanish club... What a joke. Every mediocre First Division side has a few 'talents' like Nordin Wooter.
8. FELIX GASSELICH - What can you say about Felix Gasselich? Er... Well, he... Er... Frankly, I can't think of anything to say about Gasselich. That was his problem.
9. IVAN GABRICH - Was bought based on a videotape full of goals. Must have been a fake tape. Gabrich was not a football player. He was a schoolteacher, or a mailman, or a sailor. I'm sure he's now returned to his day-job and he's probably still laughing his ass off about the fact that he's actually been an Ajacied for one year.
10. FRANK STAPLETON - One more brilliant signing by Johan Cruijff. Frank Stapleton was an Irishman and there was only one style of football programmed on his C: drive. Kick and rush football. He spent six games waiting for his team mates to kick and rush, but they didn't, cos they were Ajax. Framnk did not understand. And then he disappeared.
11. GIORGI KINKLADZE - Was brilliant in England. So they say. He was not brilliant at Ajax. Understatements are cool. How's he doing now?
Cool line-up, huh? Of course they need a coach. That will have to be Jan Wouters, although he couldn't help it that he failed. I mean: you can't paint if you don't have a brush. Same goes for Wouters: you can't communicate if you can't talk. Wouters was speechless when he was signed as a head coach by Ajax. He remained speechless until he left. The time in between was Ajax' worst season since 1965.
-- Anonymous, August 25, 2001
The greatest Ajax 11 would come mainly from Van Gaal's LEGENDARY Champions Leage winning side of the 94/95 season. This was the greatest side in football history without boubt.It would also include a few other fantastic Ajax greats.Captaining the side would be my idol & hero, the untouchable JARI LITMANEN. GK-Edwin van der Sar. LB-Danny Blind. CB-Frank de Boer. RB-Frank Rijkaard. LW-Marc Overmars. RW-Ronald de Boer. LCM-Edgar Davids. RCM- Dennis Bergkamp. AMC-JARI LITMANEN (captain) FW-Johan Cruyff. FW- Marco van Basten.
-- Anonymous, August 11, 2001
i AM NOT GOING TO DISCUSS all time greatest team because guys have done it already!!! Here is my all time greatest for enxt season 1. (GK) V.D. Sar ( if he does not come Lobont) 2. (LD) Andre Bergdolmo 3. (FB) Christian Chivu 4. (FB) Petri Pesanen 5. (RB) Richard Wirtchghe 6. (RM) Aaron Winter 7. (LM) Raf. Van der Vaart 8. (CM) Tomas Galasek 9. (LF) Shota Arveladze 10.(CF) Zlatan Ibrahimovic 11.(RF) WambertoI hope that players like Ikedia, maxwell, Hossam, Knopper and the others will do well also!!! Ajax will sure be the champion. I am just concerned about F-word buying V.hoojdonk AJAX IS THE BEST
-- Anonymous, July 18, 2001
Van der sar - Chivu, F. De Boer, Siloy, Bogarde - Litmanen, Van Der Vaart, Rijkard, Davids - Cruif, Kluivert,
-- Anonymous, July 17, 2001
van der Sar-Chivu-F de Boer-Rijkaard-Blind-Davids -Seedorf-Litmanen-B Laudrup-Berkamp/Kluivert-van Basten
-- Anonymous, July 17, 2001
The best player of ajax are....1.edwin van der sar 2.Frank de boer 3.danny blind 4.Christian chivu 5.Frank rijkard 6.George Finidi 7.Ronald De boer 8.Jari Litmanen 9.Brian Laudrup 10.Nwankwo Kanu 11.rafael van der vaartSub player are...Tijjani babangida, winston bogarde,Stefan petterson,daniel van wijk,michael rieziger
-- Anonymous, July 17, 2001
I think that the best team is: -Van Der Sar -Krol -Koeman -Blind -De Boer -Davids -Cruyff -De Boer -Winter -Litmanen -Kluivert or van Basten
-- Anonymous, July 13, 2001
van der sar, reiziger,blind,rijkaard,f de boer, witsche, litmanen, cruijf, overmars, van basten, royit's ggod to know ajax has some fans in the us 2 but AJAX JODEN STAY SUPER JODEN
-- Anonymous, July 02, 2001
Hey Bert. Finally some Feyenoord supporter agrees with us. With the same squad Feyenoord came second with us. But according to Bert if all these guys play for Ajax, they'll come first. So according to Bert Ajax is a better club than Feyenoord. I completely agree with you Bert. Finally the Feyenoord supporters know that we are better.
-- Anonymous, June 28, 2001
van der Sar-Blind,Krol,Reiziger-Rijkaard,Neeskens,Davids,Litmanen- Cruijff,van Basten,Bergkamp
-- Anonymous, June 27, 2001
But I thought it was *Feyenoord* who took old, tired players from Ajax, and not the other way around. No?
-- Anonymous, June 27, 2001
When Ajax would play with these eleven they'll win the league next year!1 Dudek 2 Van Gobbel 3 De Haan 4 van Wonderen 5 Van Haaren 6 Bosvelt 7 Kalou 8 Paauwe 9 Connolly 10 Tomasson 11 Leonardo
-- Anonymous, June 27, 2001
Edwin Van der Sar, Ole Tobiason, F, De Boer, Danny Blind, Dani, Richard Knopper, Jari Litmanen, R. De Boer, Jesper Gronkjaer, Brian Laudrup, Shota Arveladze
-- Anonymous, June 18, 2001
1. Schrijvers 2. F de Boer 3. Winter 4. Koeman 5. Hulshoff 6. Wouters 7. neeskens 8. Cruiyff 9. van Basten 10. van het Schip 11. Keizersubsitute: Bosman, vanenburg, R de Boer, D. Hesp, Blind, Krol
-- Anonymous, June 17, 2001
Interesting "All-Time Greatest Ajax Team" you got there, Lea.... Your choice for Dani is *very* surprising to me, and so is your choice for Galásek, Van der Vaart and Ikedia. They've made quite an impression on you in their first season, apparently... Even more spectacular is your choice for Stekelenburg and Heitinga (no games in Ajax-1 yet).Those names look like you've posted your favorite line-up for next season. If that's the case, you expect some pretty spectacular come- backs this summer (Litmanen! Van Basten!! CRUYFF!!!). So eh, frankly: what kind of favorite line-up is this?
-- Anonymous, June 17, 2001
1 Stekeleburg 2 heitinga 3yakubu 4 chivu 5 galasek 6 dani 7 v/d Vaart 8 cruijf 9 van basten 10 litmanen 11 ikedia
-- Anonymous, June 17, 2001
firstly this is my college e-mail address and won't be available much longer. i'm english and have been a fan of ajax for about 4 or 5 years so this is just my 90s team. i do know old ajax players (rinus michels, piet van reenen, johan cryuff etc...), but their style would've been different. oh well here goes:1. van der saar 2.f. de boer 3. blind 4. koeman 5. tobiasen 6.winter 7. richard witschge 8. b. laudrup 9. litmanen 10. arveladze 11. m. laudrup. hope it's ok. later.
-- Anonymous, June 14, 2001
1Zar 2.Suurbier 3.Koeman 4.Blind 5.Krol 6.Rijkaard 14.JC 8.Muhren 7Swart 9.VanBasten 11.Keizer
-- Anonymous, June 14, 2001
Well i think that i should place Edwin as number 1 , at the defence Koeman , Krol , Franky , Rijkard.At the centre of the field Ari Haan , Edgar davids , Johan Neeskens and at left the one and only Mark Overmars. Forward Johan of course and either Dennis or Patrick. Subs.Surbir , Keiser , Litmanen , Rep , Seedorf ,Marco Van Basten. P.S I would like yours opinion about my favourite Pius Ikedia who i think is great at the right wing
-- Anonymous, June 11, 2001
van der Sar; Rieziger; Koeman; Blind; F de Boer; Overmars; Neeskens; Cruyff; Litmanen; Kluivert; van Bastensubs: Menzo; Davids; R de Boer; Krol; Van't Schip; Rep; (in a few years) van der Gun and van der Vaart.
-- Anonymous, June 10, 2001
1.edwin van der sar 2, wim suurbier 3. ruud krol 4.frank de boer 5.cristiaan chivu. midfield 6.edgar davids 7.frank rijkaard 8.sören lerby. attacking 9.dennis bergkamp 10. marco van basten 11.johan cruijff.sub"s 13. piet schrijvers 14.johan neeskens 15.danny blind 16.arnold müren 17.wim kieft 18.brian roy 19.piet keizer 20.raffel van der vaart 21.steffan petterson 22.jari litmanen.
-- Anonymous, June 10, 2001
1. Van Der Sar 2. Reizinger 3. Koeman 4. F. De Boer 5. Kroll 6. Rijkaard 7. Cruyf 8. Neeskens 9. Van Vasten 10. Berkamp 11. OvermarsSubs: Bosman,Banenvurgh,Davids,Seedorf,R.De Boer,Lithmanenn,Larsson,
-- Anonymous, June 10, 2001
First of all I'd like to say, that it is great to see that ajax have many fans from the USA!!!The best team:
1. van der Sar, 2 Blankenburg, 3. Neeskens, 4. Blind, 5. F. de Boer, 6. Haan, 7. R. de Boer, 8. Litmanen, 9. van Basten, 10. Cruijff, 11. Keizer.
-- Anonymous, June 07, 2001
1. Lobont 2. heitinga 3. chivu 4. Pasanen 5. de Cler 6. Galasek 7. Ikedia 8. van der Vaart 9. Ibrahimovic 10. Knopper 11. van der Gun
-- Anonymous, May 28, 2001
This is my favorite Ajax team in the sense that this is the team consisting of my favorite Ajacieden. They're not necessarily the best, but this is my team of *real* Ajacieden (not necessarily youth players or Amsterdammers, but let's say: fan favorites). This team (to me) *feels* the way Ajax should feel, if you know what I mean:1 Edwin van der Sar; 2 Sonny Silooy 3 Danny Blind 4 Frank Rijkaard 5 Frank de Boer; 6 Aron Winter 10 Jari Litmanen 8 Richard Witschge; 7 John van 't Schip 9 Stefan Pettersson 11 Robbie de Wit
Subs: Johnny Bosman, Rob Witschge, Marco van Basten, Dennis Bergkamp, Jesper Olsen, Peter Boeve, Arnold Mühren.
-- Anonymous, May 28, 2001
Rich, you and I are pretty much in agreement on fave AJAX eleven.For the record, here is my favourite squad: van der Sar, Reiziger, Blind (my all-time favourite AJAX player), Rijkaard, Krol, Neeskens, Cruyff, Davids(second only to Blind), van Basten, Bergkamp, and Overmars.Subs(though in this case the word seems out of place): Schrijvers, F. DeBoer, Koeman, Seedorf, Kieft, Jonk, van't Schip, Vanenburg,R. DeBoer, Litmanen, Kluivert.
-- Anonymous, May 23, 2001
For my alltime Ajax:1 Van Der Sar 2 Reiziger 3 F. De Boer 4 Rijkaard 5 Krol 6 Neeskens 7 Cruyff 8 Davids 9 Van Basten 10 Bergkamp 11 Overmars
subs Kluivert, Blind, Winter, Jonk, Van't Schip, Roy, Seedorf, Menzo, Vanenburg, Koeman, R. De Boer
-- Anonymous, May 23, 2001