land : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
O.K., Folks; Who has the cheapest piece of land aviable that is within 2 hours drive of salt water, elevation less than 5000 feet, minimal restrictions, little or no snow, shopping within 25 miles, ag zoning,low down payment, utilities aviable or installed, above the 100 year flood plane,with a water source, 2 acres or more. Pluses are: fenced, barn, pond, and of course an oil well, gold mine, or diamond field!!
-- mitch hearn (, May 22, 2001
Try this magazine/website..
-- Lisa K (, May 22, 2001.
I'm selling my place in the smokie mountains ,eastern tenn.I think it's a 5hr drive to the ocean in NC,11 miles to town.If your interested in it you can e-mail me. Steve
-- SM Steve (, May 23, 2001.
Hi Mitch you just described kansas except you left out the pretty girls,sunshine,sunflowers and sobs now thats sweet old boys not what your oh 1 more thing its only 1300 feet to salt water. take care lots of luck in your search. Bob se.ks.
-- Bobco (, May 23, 2001.
Bobco, were you making a funny with the statement about 1300 feet to salt water? I,m glad it dosen't snow there either!
-- mitch hearn (, May 23, 2001.
Well, we do get snow, but we have a large home with 19 acres for sale, 6 miles from Lake Ontario (not salt water, but large body!).10- 20 minutes to small shopping areas, depending on where you go, less than 1/2hr to large, major mall and other shopping areas. About 45 minutes to museums, theaters, 3hrs from Canadian boarder. House is in Marion, New York, ag area. It is about 3000 sq ft with 2 fireplaces, 1 full bath, 1/2 bath unfinished. 2-3 bedrooms and 30ft livingroom. There are two nice dairy farms in the neighborhood, along with small farms. I keep goats, a pig, poultry. No restriction on livestock in this area. Excellent neighbors. No barn, but very large, 4 car garage which can be used for animals and hay storrage, chicken coop, which needs new wire, and small pen in woods, currently housing my pet Yorkshire cross. Also, small, insulated/heated shed which was herb shop. Could be shop again or guest house. Ok to have business on property as well. House needs some cosmetics, like new carpet. Also, antique/reproduction ceiling light fixtures are not included. Lots of woods, ground is all muck. Owner willing to work with buyer. Owner will finance for a short time to make purchase easier. No real estate agent at this time, but are looking to list, at which time price will increase. If you are interested, please contact. Thanks!
-- kim pezza (, May 28, 2001.