Super cool web site of japanese italianized : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Let's have a look to than point on the lowest window in the page, the one named MV Agusta F4 exhausts systems. Since now I try don't speak too much of E systems because I'm fed up with words like 'mine is bigger than yours', but this work I have a soft spot for !!!! arrrgl. Perhaps are they the ones Fabio speak about ??? japs buy a lot from US makers isn't it ?? Instead, if they are really japenese ones I think next time my Mum will go to Japan (she's chorist and go there very often) she has to buy somes for me.

Urrglopsrot (faint of a guy fall in love for an exhaust system)


-- Laurent GABERELL (, May 22, 2001

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