Sweet potatoes in barrelsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I want to try growing sweet potatoes in a 55 gal barrel this summer. Has anyone else done this? I know "regular" potatoes do well in barrels, but not sure about sweet potatoes.
-- Elizabeth (ekfla@aol.com), May 20, 2001
Hi Elizabeth, Since I don"t know where you live, Down here its aready getting close to being to late,In texas, They have a long growing season,They need hot weather and sandy soil, The ones we grow run in between the corn,Get runners up to 6 ft. long. Do I think they would grow in barrels, Maybe, I grew some in a hanging basket one time for the vines, but they never put on any sweet potatoes. Try it and see, you got nothing to loose. God Bless Irene
-- Irene orsborn (tkorsborn@cs.com), May 20, 2001.
Irene, sorry for the omission- I am in Florida, near Tampa. Zone 9 I think.
-- Elizabeth (ekfla@aol.com), May 20, 2001.