Over-The-Fence Chat Thread 5-20 thru 5-26greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
We finially got our long needed soaking rain again. It was a dream out in the garden yesterday, so cool and wet, the weeds came out so easy. I got all the tomatoes and peppers planted, and I also got all my beautiful flowers planted all around the porch and garden and yard. Boy, the colors are just so wonderful to the eyes to look at! My Zinnia seeds I saved from last year came up quick and thick, I am so amazed. I'm going to plant a very long wide row of them and sell the flowers. I am thinking of getting into selling plants.The strawberrys are still loaded, and need picked every other day. I have plenty of strawberry plants to sell also. Steve got field fence put up around the garden yesterday, Yeah, and now I can plant more stuff to climb up the fence.
We have had visitors all week picking up their pups, and have met some very nice people. Still have more comming this afternoon. It's been very busy, and I can hardly keep up reading all the threads, and I know I am missing some neat info. I learn so much reading. When the Thunder Boomers come and it drives me inside the house, I have to unplug the PC! I know you all are busy too, it's that time of year isn't it!
-- Cindy in KY (solidrockranch@hotmail.com), May 20, 2001
Good Morning everyone, Its going to be another hot dry day down here in Texas, Been watering the garden from the well. They cut and bailed hay yesterday, trying to salvage what they can, In the last few years, lucky if you we get two cuttings, My Husband and myself are makeing plum jelly today, The plums are falling off the trees faster than we can handle them. We are both in our 70"s so takes two of us to get the job done. The tomatoes are getting ripe, Had to spray for blossom end rot, I tried all different varietys this year, some of the heirloom types.I fiqured I could save the seed that way, The potatoes are ready for digging, I store them in a old refrigerator that we bought in 1952, and in still running, We have bought several new ones for the kitchen since then. Well, I quess this about all for my day out here on the farm, God Bless, Irene
-- Irene Orsborn (tkorsborn@cs.com), May 20, 2001.
Good morning all. We got a small shower this morning but it settled some dust. I picked kale, lettuce , radishes and green onions from the garden this morning for our lunch. We're raising Mr. Big peas this spring for the first time, I know where they get their name they are still flat but if they fill up they'll be really big , yum can't wait, sugar snaps are almost ready also. We've got three does due this week, two of them where bottle babies last year, I sure get closer to the bottle babies. I've not had any kids born this late in the spring before hope they do as good . I've got 50 of the barred silver giant cockrel, they are about three weeks old and growing like crazy. Green acres is the place to be farm living is the life for me... Hope all is doing well and having a lovely day. Sherry
-- sherry (chickadee259@yahoo.com), May 20, 2001.
We, finally, got 1/2" of rain this week and am very thankful for it! My tomatoes have nice, big, green tomatoes so it won't be too long. The blueberries will be ready in a week or two (they are loaded), The blackberries and raspberries are blooming. The okra, peas,beans and melons are all breaking through the ground!Someone was 'kind' enough to throw out two little puppies. They are as cute as can be, very sweet and so calm. I GUESS we are going to keep them, I purchased wormer and tick collars and 'Top Spot'. We are now back to up 8 dogs. Had two die of old age this winter--Oh well!
Happy gardening!!!
-- Debbie T in N.C. (rdtyner@mindspring.com), May 20, 2001.
It's a beautiful day in Wisconsin with sunny skies and low humidity. Hubby is hauling dirt to put by our house as it has washed away through the years. Then, he is going to reseed the grass. I have to plant some more in the garden, clean the raspberry patch and mow the lawn. It's supposed to rain tonight. I worked outside yesterday and feel muscles I forgot I had!! I'm not going to be able to set out the tomato and sweet peppers plants until the weekend after Memorial Day, but I suppose they will be all right. It' such a busy time of the year what with planting, graduation parties and weddings. Heck, I notice that everyone is so busy that they don't even have time to bicker and argue here! LOL!!
-- Ardie from WI (ardie54965@hotmail.com), May 20, 2001.
Good afternoon to everyone hope this is a beautiful Sunday for all. We have had a busy week here on the farm. Garden is doing great corn is up about 2 ft. Tomatoes look better than ever after seeing the prices in the stores a good homegrown tomatoe will taste good. The deer have already been raiding the garden but I guess they need to eat also.We have 2 rabbits that should be having babies in the next few days so today we did a little house keeping putting in clean nesting boxes. I have 42 eggs in the incubator they are due to hatch Tuesday, hopefully we will have good luck like last month, out of 42 only 4 did not hatch.
The weather has been so hot the past few days but I have looking forward to next week they are saying that it should be in the 60's and 70's nice change for 95 this past week.
Well hope everyone has a safe week. Take care. Tracy
-- tracy emily in TN (emilyfarms@tsixroads.com), May 20, 2001.
Garden's in, got a storm rolling through this afternoon, and both does have had their babies. One had a single buck earlier in the week, then the senior doe (a star milker) had triplet doe kids yesterday. What a nice way to get back into the goat business after a few years off! The buck kid discovered how much fun it is to chase the rooster and watch him squawk and flap. Nothing like a kid goat to make you smile. God has blessed me richly. Have a good week.
-- melina b. (goatgalmjb1@hotmail.com), May 20, 2001.
Someone needs to send some rain our way (upstate NY)! We have only had a 1/4" so far this month and not much in April. Our last frost date was today so I can finally start putting some things in the ground - bulbs and tomatoes - and the rest after Memorial Day. I hope we get some rain this week because I hate to have to water everything. We are going to try growing some broccoli in pots. Has anyone had success with this?
-- Cindy in NY (cjpopeck@worldnet.att.net), May 20, 2001.
Cindy, I wish we could have sent you some of the rain we had today as I certainly don't mind sharing. I am going to wait to put in my peppers and tomatoes until Memorial Day also. Family graduations and weddings are plentiful in my large family this month and so we are going to be doing a lot of running on weekends for the next 3 weeks. The first year of college is done right now for our youngest son. (our 3 kids have grown up fast) Have a nice week everyone. Jenn
-- jenn (normaj3@countrylife.net), May 20, 2001.
I finally got my little garden planted and enjoyed digging in the dirt. Here in Montana, the weather changes so often and sudden. We had a beautiful couple of weeks and now it has turned cool again. I have to watch and see what the 'temps' will be each night. If too cold, I go out and cover everything I planted. A little extra trouble but worth it just to look at my little garden, mostly in Pots this year. Temps usually get trustworthy in June here in Montana.Montana is on the 'drought' list this year. Water is very low...even our big lake will not be full this year. FLATHEAD LAKE,,,Very big lake. Lots of boating, swimming, and lots of other activities go on at the lake. We should get thru the summer ok. Busy time of year,,great exercise for all of us,,Take care,,,,
-- Patsy, MT (cozyhollow-gal@care2.com), May 21, 2001.
We had a busy week also. We got the potatoes hilled, garden weeded, and our squash, watermelon, muskmelon, cucumbers, and pumpkins planted. We had a nice rain last night. Should bring my stuff right up. Just found a goose and a duck both setting, plus have about 3 hens setting in the chickenhouse. The bugs really did a number on our beans, but they are getting more leaves now and look better. I have 2 goslings and 7 ducklings in the brooder house. I have 2 incubators ready to hatch out next week nad 1 the following week. They are so cute for the first week. It was really hot here last week, but cooled down alot. Our high today is supposed to be 60. We are in northwest Missouri, by the way. Well, got bread to make and meatloaf to prepare. Everyone have a good week. Winona
-- Winona in MO (thompsonwin45@hotmail.com), May 21, 2001.
Gee, there really was some bad tornadoes yesterday. Our storms got intense, but nothing like that. Hope everyone is allright way up north in Michigan and Ohio too.
-- Cindy in KY (solidrockranch@hotmail.com), May 22, 2001.
Last night I finally got into the Solid Rock Ranch site, pretty place and looks productive. Cindy it must be a real joy to live there. Joanne
-- Joanne (ronandjo@sisna.com), May 24, 2001.
Thanks Joanne, did you go over to the Countryside Friends picture page or to the web site? It is very pretty up here. I've been so busy tring to get the rest of the garden in, and we're still getting wonderful rain, even some more this morning.
-- Cindy in KY (solidrockranch@hotmail.com), May 24, 2001.
Goodmorning to all!! Here is Manitoba, Canada the wind has finally stopped ~ er ~ slowed down. I have been out on the property line with my carrigana clippings, willow clippings, Manitoba Maples and my trusty tree planting shovel. Folks, there are trees going in everywhere. I think to date this year I have planted/transplanted close to 1000 little darlings.It is much fun to pop in here to catch up with everyone's wonderful advise. I am wondering however why more Canadians don't join. Hmmmm, time for a mantra.
By the way the gardening techniques have given me some great ideas too. Have a wonderful day, bye.
-- Deborah (djdangel@mb.sympatico.ca), May 25, 2001.
Sue I felt so bad when I read your post about property in Idaho,Maybe you could come on the Washington side. Don't think I've heard of those kinds of restrictions. So many strange things going on at the Country level, we follow are newspaper closely for changes. Do hope you fine a place soon. Keep us posted.
-- Joanne (ronandjo@sisna.com), May 25, 2001.
Not much time to read all the postings, but I've been thinking of you all! Thunderstorms here every afternoon, but not much from them except wind and more wind. Haven't gotten in all the garden I need too yet, and lots to do outside. I'm envious of those of you who already have things ripening! Not of the heat or tornadoes, tho! Keep safe, and have a good Memorial Day weekend! Jan
-- Jan in CO (Janice12@aol.com), May 25, 2001.