Looking for land in Oklahomagreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
We are a large family (9) looking for land to move out of the city and to teach our children to be more self-sufficient. We hope to be able to train them in skills such as building, farming and animal care.Thanks Greg and Shannon
-- Greg & Shannon Stuart (gstuart@keytech.com), May 19, 2001
I live NE of OKC in the Luther area. There is lots of land for sale out here. Not sure what exactly your looking for. Feel free to email me and I'll help if I can. What part of Oklahoma are you looking to buy in?
-- Stacia in OK (oneclassycowgirl@aol.com), May 20, 2001.
Here in Delaware county, OK. there lots of land for sale. Some all pasture, some wooded, some combination. If you look around enough you can find an old homestead for sale.
-- Russell Hays (rhays@sstelco.com), May 20, 2001.
I hope you won't find this offensive, but considering the limitations we have on this planet, after you get all set up in OK, would you please teach your kids that it is a very kind, gentle, and responsible thing to limit their offspring to two each?Thank you from all of us who share the planet.
-- jumpoff joe (jumpoff@ecoweb.net), May 21, 2001.
So far I have always kept my opinions to myself when comments such as JOJ's have been made but I just can't this time. After I first state the fact that it is absolutely not any of your business how many children a family has let me ask you this - how do you know but that all their children aren't adopted? I know when I discuss my children I don't mention that I have x amount and that x amount are adopted. Anyway, enough said - have to let the ole blood pressure go back down.
-- Terry - NW Ohio (aunt_tm@hotmail.com), May 21, 2001.
Terri, you may not have noticed that I didn't tell Greg and Shannon that they should be ashamed of themselves for having such a large family. I DID consider that they may have adopted. Regardless of whether they did or did hot adopt, I feel that it most certainly IS my business--and yours too, for that matter--how many children a family has. It so happens that I--and you--SHARE this planet, this environment with said family, and we ALL are affected by how many children a family has.Surely you are not so myopic that you think that one family exists independently of everyone else!
Maybe go have a glass of wine, or something, for your blood pressure, then take a deep breath and tell me what you think.
-- jumpoff joe (jumpoff@ecoweb.net), May 21, 2001.
Blessed is he who has a full quiver. (Holy Bible)
-- Russell Hays (rhays@sstelco.com), May 21, 2001.
Greg and Shannon, you have evidently done the human race a favor by contributing your superior genes so freely to the upcoming generation. I am confident that the care you are showing in raising your children in the fear of the Lord will also be a great contribution to humanity.As for those who feel they shouldnt contribute their genes to the next generation, they are certainly free to refrain from doing so. And I thank them sincerely for it.
-- daffodyllady (daffodyllady@yahoo.com), May 21, 2001.
Daffy. Very daffy.I don't care HOW great someone is as a parent; this is still a finite planet.
I'd be interested in how you, Daffy One, came up with the conclusion that Greg and Shannon have "superior genes".
I'm not sure what a "superior gene" looks like, to tell you the truth, and I certainly don't have enough info on Greg OR Shannon to make such a judgement.
Who says they even contributed ANY genes to the pool?
I think, Daffy One, that perhaps you are merely trying to be contentious.
-- jumpoff joe (jumpoff@ecoweb.net), May 23, 2001.
Greg and Shannon, There are several homesteads here in western Oklahoma if you are interested. E-mail me for some contacts. Good Luck!!
-- cowgirlone (cowgirlone47@hotmail.com), May 23, 2001.
I am sorry so many people are mean spirted and give you grief over having a big family. I only have two children and my 17 year old daughter passed away two years ago leaving her younger borther a only child. It breaks my heart that I did not have more so when I am gone from this earth he would not be the only surviving family member left. God has blessed you with your beautiful children!!
-- Teresa Bourgoin (c3ranch@hotmail.com), June 04, 2001.
Teresa, I'm sorry your daughter died. Nevertheless, I resent your calling me names. I'm not mean spirited. Au contraire, I am concerned about ALL the children of the earth, and how awful their lives will be after those of us who can't seem to keep it zipped up have destroyed the only home we have: Earth.JOJ
-- jumpoff joe (jumpoff@ecoweb.net), June 04, 2001.
In my opinion homesteaders are good candidates for raising kids because the kids will likely be more sensitive to the planetary limitations you allude to (I assume you're referring to finite resources). My rationale is that living close to and being intimately dependent upon the land sensitizes us to our stewardship role as inhabitants of this planet. The planet needs good stewards. In this, regard I think we need more, not fewer offspring living skillfully and sensitively on this fine planet.
-- Mark Budzinski (440hz@go.com), August 04, 2001.
I just love how these self-righteous near-sighted fools think they are somehow superior enough to tell other people how many offspring they should have. If they're so concerned about overpopulation, why not go get a rope and chair and start with themselves? It's not the quantity of children that affect this world, it's the quality!!! One bad child can cause more destruction than a dozen good ones. Resent this Joe, you're an ass. Why don't you stay over on the Anarchy board where you post so much drivel like you did in this thread.
-- no (nohatemail@please.com), August 04, 2001.
I also would like to know who appointed you to be the spokesperson for "all of us share the planet"
-- no (nohatemail@please.com), August 04, 2001.
I also would like to know who appointed you to be the spokesperson for "all of us who share the planet"
-- no (nohatemail@please.com), August 04, 2001.
What is homesteading land running an acre out in Eastern Oklahoma? Any good websites for job hunting, etc... out in that area? I've family members who are interested in moving out there and they'd greatly appreciate any info that could be passed along.Thank you!
P.S. As for child-rearing, quality, not quantity, counts. Seems as though Greg & Shannon have done well on both counts. As for the world's population problem, well then JOJ, head overseas and preach the message - that's where the overpopulation problem is. (Try the Indian subcontinent, China, the Middle East or South America as your stomping grounds. If you can come back without any body parts missing, my hat will be off to you...)
Good luck Greg & Shannon - best wishes to you and your family!
-- Deb Mc (not@this.time.pls), August 04, 2001.