Used herbs to induce overdue : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
The maidenmare I posted about a while back finally foaled.On day 366,I was tired and so was she.The herbal handbook said to mix 3 parts raspberry,and one part feverfew,we did and had our foal in 30 minutes.Obviously they have to be very ready to go that fast,and I had a moment of regret and panic when she went down so quickly.No tears and a big foal.I am a ' "human" doula,and we use raspberry all the time,but it sure works different on horses.Mommy and son are fine.Oh he was 18 inches high and weighs 16 lbs!!!!!
-- teri murphy (, May 19, 2001
Hm -- I am really curious! What kind of a horse is this anyway that the foal is so small? A Shetland? My last foal was Connemara/Arab and altho I didn't weigh her at birth, she was around 28 inches tall, and she wasn't a very big foal, smallest one I've delivered.Raspberry leaves will strengthen and tone the uterine muscles and assist with contractions during foaling. It will also check haemorrhaging and encourage cleansing of the afterbirth, so it is good to continue giving raspberry for a week after foaling.
Congratulations to both Moms.
-- julie f. (, May 19, 2001.
She is a miniature mare.She is 31 inches high at the withers.We use them with disabled children and adults.I am very pleased with the results from the raspberry,I use it all the time with my "human " clients!!!
-- teri murphy (, May 19, 2001.
Please print your 'raspberry tea' Will it work for cows, goats etc.?
-- Debbie T in N.C. (, May 19, 2001.
Have used raspberry leaves for years in both dogs and horses. Used a "spoonful" sized pinch for the dogs (big ones) and a handful of raspberry leaves per mare daily in their grain.I first got exposed to herbal alternatives for animals when I lived in Spain (many years ago) and there weren't the vets there that there is here ... I've worked with herbals for animals for years now ...
I'm currently giving my little house dog the Bach flower essence for "fearfulness" because she is afraid of thunderstorms ... seems to help a great deal ...
-- SFM in KY (, May 22, 2001.