Canon XL-1 Filters Question HELP! : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread |
I'm a screenwriter that's recently purchased a Canon XL-1. I was hoping to get info on what filters to use when. I have a UV Filter 72mm, Circular Polarizer 72mm, and ND 8 Filter 72mm. Are some indoors, outdoors, lowlight etc.
-- E.J. Kalifornia (, May 18, 2001
Since you own a couple of filters and need some info i refer you to these two sites and Just before i saw this post i was viewing those two sites. The first referenced sight i believe it was gave a good description of when and where to use some filters ..EX was the circular polarizer lens you talked about... I hope this helped some... I was looking to find a infra red filter for my xl1 camera Its of course the 72mm size and i am finding difficulties finding it.Do you know any sites i can find a infa-red filter for the Canon xl1???????
-- mike (, May 27, 2001. can get any filter in 72mm you could ever want. Reasonable prices, too. I've used them to outfit myself with all my accessory gear for my XL-1.
-- John Locke (, June 12, 2001.