Parts for sale... : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

For sale all parts in excellent condition and considerably cheaper than MSRP at a dealer. All prices are in US$.

Headlight Fairing $425.00

Will sell these only as a set: Right Side Upper Fairing $500.00 Left Side Upper Fairing $500.00 Belly Pan Fairing $450.00 Total $$1450.00

Gas Tank $1500.00 Tail Section $475.00 Silver clearcoated aluminum wheels $1500.00 Front factory rotors $850.00 Airbox $800.00 Sachs Rear Shock $675.00 Swingarm in aluminium $1900.00 Right Frame plate in aluminum $500.00 Left Frame plate in aluminum $500.00 Factory Exhaust system + eprom $2500.00

Had mirrors but those were already sold.

Turning the bike into an endurance race bike, so I am having all the stuff sold off.

-- Fabio de Andrade (, May 18, 2001


I am looking for the F4 license plate bracket. Every one I have seen has been bent, altered or you have one for sale?

-- Keith Abraben (, November 29, 2001.

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