dead suspension : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Is it just me or does everyone else think the fork and shock do not have enough rebound dampening. You have to dial the adjustment knobs in all the way before you can see any discernible change..and its not much. When you push down and then release, the don't have that nice oil running through and orifice sound that tells you something is going on. Its almost like there is or not enough oil in them. I haven't noticed any leaking and they have always been like this...anyone else experience the same thing?

-- jim Stanton (, May 17, 2001


I guess its just me.

-- jim stanton (, May 18, 2001.

Jim if you are located in USA contact Todd Callen on and if you are in UK contact Mark Ditchfield of Revolution UK I don't remember the web site but they are Moriwaki UK importers. If you'll work with Mark just transmit bests regards from Laurent Gaberell ex- Pichard Racing from Swizerland, he will remember who I am.

Tanti saluti


-- Laurent GABERELL (, May 23, 2001.

Thanks...if I cant find someone local (Arizona) I will give them a call.

-- jim Stanton (, May 23, 2001.

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