My SquareFoot Garden is always "in the shade" (Gardening /container/raised bed/ etc) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Lynn calls me lazy, I say I'm smart. Maybe its a little of both. To conquer this Alabama sun, I've moved a patio umbrella and weighted stand to the squares. Set it up and instant shade. As I move to the next square, just move the canopy with me down the walk. Its a lot cooler and less risk of skin cancer. Maybe I'll loose some of my farmer tan and redneck too :>)
-- Jay Blair in N. AL. (, May 16, 2001
Now that is a GREAT IDEA!!! Thank you for taking the time to post it.
-- Thumper (, May 16, 2001.
I had skin cancer removed almost 4 years ago at the age of 26. I think your idea is wonderful. It's not worth the risk as I will have to really be watchful from now on. Thanks for sharing!
-- Wendy (, May 16, 2001.