Thread Display Order (Forum Related) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
This is something for you to think about while I am gone. New threads can be displayed either oldest first or newest first. Which would you prefer?Dave: If you monitor this thread and see a definite vote for newest first, than change it. Otherwise it will stay the way it is.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, May 16, 2001
Newest first - much easier to read. Change it, please!
-- David and Kim (, May 16, 2001.
Newest First ... please...
-- j (, May 16, 2001.
New first, I think.
-- Willy Allen (, May 16, 2001.
I'll vote for newest first also.Carol
-- Carol Mora (, May 16, 2001.
new first, Daryll
-- Daryll (, May 16, 2001.
New first, please!
-- Karen (, May 16, 2001.
New 1st! Thank you
-- Debbie T in N.C. (, May 16, 2001.
I'm easy, (but not cheap!) Newest first, please! Jan
-- Jan in CO (, May 16, 2001.
Newest first, please! When new to this forum I found it quite confusing to have the oldest first. Thanks!
-- Elizabeth in e tx (, May 16, 2001.
Newest first would be great. Thank you. Tracy
-- tracy emily in TN (, May 16, 2001.
Newest first!
-- Cordy (, May 16, 2001.
Looks like a trend emerging... I believe if a thing ain’t broke, don’t fix it.But hey, I just do like I’m told. The order is now changed. Newest threads are on the top.
I think that changing the thread order could result in some confusion for those of us who have gotten used to looking at this forum “backwards”, so I also added the date each question was posted.
-- Dave Belanger (, May 16, 2001.
Thank you Mr. Dave. And Ken, I though you were gone off on your adventure!
-- Cindy in KY (, May 16, 2001.
Ditto on the above votes!
-- Judi (, May 16, 2001.
Much easier with newest firt. Thank You.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL. (, May 16, 2001.
I vote for newest responses first.
-- jennifer (, May 16, 2001.
new first,much easier.
-- Tom (, May 16, 2001.
well at least now I see why the forum looks so weird..sarah (who is a wee bit slow on the uptake!)
-- Sarah (, May 16, 2001.
newest first, please!
-- (, May 16, 2001.
Okay, quit playing with my head. I was trying to find a post that I started several days ago because I wanted to thank everybody for their responses and I couldn't find it. I knew I had posted after particular posts and I went all the way to the bottom and I couldn't find it and was really mystified. Then I just went through them one by one until I found it thinking that I was just mistaken about when I posted it. Then when I found it I thought I was going nuts because I thought these went in the other direction the last time I was on here. Then I saw this thread. I feel a lot saner now.
-- Colleen (, May 16, 2001.
Glad I saw this, thought my head was backarsewards! New first is fine.
-- Annie Miller in SE OH (, May 16, 2001.
New, please. Some of these threads get so I could read, cut and run before they finish loading....Thanks for considering this!
-- sheepish (WA) (, May 16, 2001.
Agrred. Were good reasons for the other order when the forum was smaller. Are good reasons for it to be this way now the forum has expanded.
-- Don Armstrong (, May 16, 2001.
Great! I like it exept I gotta retrain this old brain! Keep up the great work guys! God bless!
-- Ardie from WI (, May 17, 2001.