I'm Off to Croatia - You Guys Behave (Forum Related)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I leave for a ten-day trip to Croatia tomorrow. Mostly to do genealogy research in old cemeteries; however, I still have some 'distant' relatives there. After I get back, I'll need to do about two-weeks worth of catch-up on forum housekeeping. It will help me significantly if you can make a special effort to make your thread titles descriptive of content (and adding the category you choose at the end doesn't hurt) and to select the most appropriate category for the thread.Dave will be checking in every so often in the moderator role.
On genealogy: the web site www.ellisislandrecords.com is now available. However, the records are limited as many ship manifests were damaged in a fire and simply sold as scrap paper. Due to the volume of hits, you are likely to get server busy notices. Just ignore them by going back a page and trying again. Eventually it will let you do a search. Information provided is scant. Basically: name, ethnicity, place of residence, date of arrival, gender, martial status, ship of travel and port of departure. However, you can call up that portion of the ship's manifest to see who they might have been traveling with. It is a useful source of information, just not nearly what I expected.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (scharabo@aol.com), May 15, 2001
Ken - where is Croatia, in the US? Sounds as if your really serious about finding your roots, it's really a lot of fun. Good luck and have a nice time. We'll behave while your gone.
-- Betsy Koehnlein (betsyk@pathwaynet.com), May 15, 2001.
We will behave. You have a good time on your adventure. You better tell your new bull to behave while you are gone! See ya when you get back.
-- Cindy in KY (solidrockranch@hotmail.com), May 15, 2001.
Croatia is a country in the Balkans. It was formerly part of Yugoslavia, but has been an independent republic for about ten years. We can trace the family name back to 1622 when it was adopted as the new name of a family being elevated to noble status. In the Slavic language Sar means orb or something round and bok means body side, so Sarabok (European spelling) roughly translates to fat person.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (scharabo@aol.com), May 15, 2001.
Ken! Ya'll be keerful and don't drink the water!!! Matt. 24:44
-- hoot (hoot@pcinetwork.com), May 15, 2001.
SURE, Ken - OF COURSE we'll behave. Don't worry, enjoy!OK, guys, it's party time. We've got almost a fortnight until KKBB (that's King Ken the big-bellied) gets back.
-- Don Armstrong (darmst@yahoo.com.au), May 15, 2001.
Have a great trip Ken, don't worry about drinking the water as I am sure they will ply you with various beverages if you are visiting a Slavic part of Croatia. Keep away from anything with wintergreen in it or anything with a name like coffin lacquer!
-- john hill (john@cnd.co.nz), May 15, 2001.
If you get near a net hook up , please post something here so we can cybertour. Have an excellent adventure.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL. (jayblair678@yahoo.com), May 15, 2001.
Hey!! Have a TON of fun!! If you happen to run into any Jakubik folks by accident - tell them I said HI!!! LOL - part of my family is from near there as well -
-- Sue Diederich (willow666@rocketmail.com), May 15, 2001.
Ken: Have a great time, and don't worry about the forum--most of us are adults and will be have, most of the time! Hope you find what you're looking for! Jan
-- Jan in CO (Janice12@aol.com), May 15, 2001.
Ken, Enjoy your trip and give us a good rundown on it when you get home. My wife calls me a Big Fatty all the time- Could it be we are related?
-- John in S. IN (jsmengel@hotmail.com), May 16, 2001.
have a good trip and God bless!
-- Ardie from WI (a6203@hotmail.com), May 16, 2001.
Hey Ken good luck on your search, be careful take care. Tracy
-- tracy emily in TN (emilyfarms@tsixroads.com), May 16, 2001.