Home and land for sale owner financinggreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
We have a seven room one bath home and from one to 40 acres we would like to sell. We would consider owner financing with reasonable down. Locate in extreme North Alabama.
-- David Coker (bluewaterfarm@mindspring.com), May 13, 2001
How about more particulars. What is the land and terrain like? What amount are you asking with 40 acres? What type of heating system, water system, basement or not, etc.
-- Mark Thompson (mdpg@tir.com), May 14, 2001.
The land is hills with flat areas in the valleys and on top of the hills. Spring, pond, small cave, and no I haven't crawled into it. Some land is open some wooded with large trees, some pasture, some crop, some with 6 year old pines planted on it. House and one acre is appraised at $36000 with one acre. The appraisel on the land has not come back yet should any day. Will sell at appraisel. Will finance with 5 to 10 percent down. The Person who buys house has first option on buying the land either now or when in the future we decide to sell. We don't mind having the land, other than a couple of days bushhogging there is little upkeep to it. We just don't want rental property anymore. The house is in great shape, has city water, propane heat, window airconditoning. If we have time before it sells we plan on doing some changes such as a brick side walk, and stuff we like to do. We would prefer the buyer to get his own financing but will finance at one percent above what we are currently paying. The house and one acre the payment would be right at 300 per month, insurance and taxes another 30 to 35 per month. The payment would of course depend on the down payment. No closing cost of anykind. The house has no basment. Located on a paved county road, school bus stops at the door. Best school district in this part of the state. Great neighborhood. Friendly people most have lived here for several generations. You have trouble and they will be there to help in anyway they can. Basicly a very down to earth conservative group of people leave you to your own business. Independant thinkers and don't put up with crap or trouble makers. Great hunting deer, turkey, fishing is unsurppased. What we really are looking for are people that will be friends and good neighbors. If you think you might be interested email and I will email back as soon as the land appraisel comes in. They are supposed to call tommorow. Thanks
-- David (bluewaterfarm@mindspring.com), May 14, 2001.