Anyone got a Hippo? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I'm looking to buy a hippo. Does anyone know where I can get one and how much they typically cost? Thanks
-- Josh Davis (, May 12, 2001
-- mitch hearn (, May 12, 2001.
I'll check with the operator of the local zoo that shut down to the public for you and see if he is still trying to place the one they had. Is a puppy totally out of the question? :>)
-- Jay Blair in N. AL. (, May 12, 2001.
We have 2 for sale, a male 18 months old and a female almost 3. They're both $9000. Shipping arrangements are up to you! e-mail me personally for more details.
-- dorothy in KS (, May 12, 2001.
Just when you think you have heard it all!!!! Okay, I'll bite....what does one do with a hippo on the homestead?? Become "hippocrates"??? LOL
-- Karen (, May 12, 2001.
Is this for real????
-- diane (, May 12, 2001.
Aren't hippocrates what hippos are shipped in?
-- Willy Allen (, May 12, 2001.
Of course it's for real, or wait, maybe we're the victims of mass hiponosis...
-- Willy Allen (, May 12, 2001.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha
-- kathy h (, May 12, 2001.
Really, why a hippo? I suppose they'd be stronger than an ox, but just how trainable is a hippo, anyway? HOW MUCH DO THEY EAT A DAY???It's all I can do to water the gardens, feed the chickens, and watch over the rabbits. I can just hardly imagine cleaning a stall after a hippo! (But man-o-man what a compost heap, eh??)
-- Marty (, May 13, 2001.
I'm dying to know if this is for me gullible, but are you serious? I hear hippos have a nasty, nasty temperament...
-- Shannon at Grateful Acres Animal Sanctuary (, May 13, 2001.
I thought the request was a surprise until I read the response from the folks with 2 for sale. Guess you really can find just about anything at Countryside.Josh, I called the vet that ran the shut down zoo yesterday. He already placed their hippos to another sanctuary zoo.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL. (, May 13, 2001.
Hate to bring a further item of sense to this thread, but as an item of useless information, Shannon is right. Hippopotamuses are the most dangerous animal in Africa. More people are killed by hippos than by any other animal, including lions, leopards, elephants, crocodiles, snakes, etc. Well, anything except people, and health issues like viruses (if they count as living), bacteria, plasmodia, tsetse fly and mosquitos.
-- Don Armstrong (, May 13, 2001.
No hippos here. What do you do with a hippo, seems you would have to bend over too far to milk them and the bucket wouldn't fit under them!
-- woodsbilly (, May 13, 2001.
There's a family here in Texas that has a pet hippo. Their vet did a write up for the newspaper a few years ago.
-- ~Rogo (, May 13, 2001.
Don, I'm glad you made the comments you did as I was about to make the same comment about how dangerous they are. This thread also makes me think why do some people have the need to own an animal that provides nothing to them and is just making the animal live an unnatural life. And of course this is not limited to hippos but other wild animals. I'm hoping that using the name Josh was a tipoff that it is just a crank thread.
-- Colleen (, May 14, 2001.
LOL Love the hippo jokes! Hmmm, anyone think I can talk my dad into getting me one? :-) (just kidding) Good-luck on finding a hippo!
-- Sarah in Ok (, May 15, 2001.
Does anyone know that there is a pigmy hippo? No kidding. About 5 years ago (when my husband was still an active duty Marine), we were stationed in California (29 Palms area). We went to a circus (one of the last ones that still used their elephants to put up the tent). As we were going in, they had various exibits on display. They had elephant rides, some kind of 4 horned sheep (not Jacobs as they were a solid red/brown color), a zorse (zebra X horse), & yes, a pigmy hippo. When asked about it, I was told that they were very rare (not bred small but they occured naturally), and though they did take to water like average hippos in flight of danger, you would more likely see them on land. They are also less aggressive. The one they had was an adult & was about the size of a large shetland pony.I swear this account is true. I've heard of some people that tamed some hippos & rode them in a short race. But other then meat, I've no idea what use any hippo could be. The pigmy hippo on the other hand seems to have more potential. (more reasonable size to possibly work with) At least all hippos are grazers.
This post is probibly just a joke, but if not, what are they going to do with the hippo?
Just thought I'd add some knowledge, give some options, & just plain chat a while.
-- animalfarms (, May 23, 2001.
Manure, folks, manure! Just imagine it!
-- snoozy (, May 24, 2001.