Electric fence question.greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have a hot wire setup around my pond and chicken coop. I'd like to take that wire about 150 ft across a driveway and lawn to another fenced area, is there a easy way to do this?......Is it possible to run a insulated wire underground? I have a large branchless doug fir tree that I can run a hot wire up about 20 ft. and go from there to my new fencing, but I'd rather not have the overhead wire if I can help it. Any thoughts?
-- Kent in WA (kent@premier1.net), May 11, 2001
We have run an insulated wire that distance alright underground. Where it passed under the driveway, we ran it through a piece of pipe . Haven't had any problems and its been there 5 years now.
-- Kate henderson (kate@sheepyvalley.com), May 11, 2001.
Wouldn't the uninsulated fence wire touching the ground complete the circut and/or shorting out the system?
-- Willy Allen (willyallen2@yahoo.com), May 12, 2001.
We used insulated wire underground to our fencing for our horses and it works great.
-- Epona (crystalepona2000@yahoo.com), May 12, 2001.
There is special insulated wire designed for under ground use available at most farm stores.
-- Gary Benner (benner46@hotmail.com), May 24, 2001.