duck : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
How many hens per drakes do you need to keep duck eggs fertile? Also, which ducks make the best mothers and which the worst?thanks, Jonathan
-- Jonathan Caswell (, May 11, 2001
Jonathan,We have 4 White Pekings (1M,3F) and two Khaki Campbells (1M,1F) and the fertility is mighty high - We placed 15 in the incubator and hatched 14. I don't think that they make good mothers since they continue to chase away the young ones after we placed them back with them.
Good luck
-- Bernd in NC (, May 14, 2001.
How many hens per drakes do you need to keep duck eggs fertile? This may vary by breed with the larger or deeper keeled ducks needing more drakes to hens to get good fertility. If you have any of the larger ducks (Exhibition Rouens, Aylesbury etc) you could try providing a pool or tub of water for them. For the smaller breeds we usually go with 1 drake to every 4-6 hens. With the larger one we use 1 drake to every 3-4 hens.Also, which ducks make the best mothers and which the worst? Many of the domestic breeds of ducks have had the broodiness bred out of them but there are always exceptions. For the most part, the wild type of ducks will still set and raise ducklings. Of the breeds we have the Muscovy hens are excellent setters and take good care of their young. None of our other breeds of ducks show much inclination to set but we haven't given them very much opportunity, collecting the eggs every day.
As for using artificial incubation and then trying to return the ducklings to the adults. It may vary, but for the most part the adults won't want them as they don't view them as their own offspring. The two breed that were mentioned have been specifically bred for meat and eggs and I would suspect that they have had their parenting instinct bred out. However, many breed of geese will foster ducklings and/or goslings and do a very good job. Just watch to make sure that they accept their new additions.
-- Trisha-MN (, May 14, 2001.
We have a Khaki Campbell pair and have successfully raised 2 batches. The fertility rate was only 50% the first time, and a bit better the second. The hen has been a great mother and hatched the eggs herself. We did have to remove the drake for a while as he didn't want her to just sit and ignore him. He was vicious with the first batch but seems to be resigned to fatherhood this time round. They're a heck of a lot of fun.
-- Bonnie (, May 14, 2001.