Not enough money? (book recommendation) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
In truth, this isn't a question, but more a little bit of information I'd like to share. I discovered Countryside this morning, on the internet, and I am delighted. Currently, I live in downtown Toronto, in the province of Ontario, Canada -- but my heart is at the homestead I hope to have one day! This site/magazine is so inspiring, and I'm going to keep visiting to learn more, before I am in a position to homestead myself.My comment is this: I would like to share a little gem of a book that I read for the first time about a year ago, which has changed my financial life for good, and made me feel like homesteading is really possible for me. The book is called "Your Money of Your Life" by Joe Dominquez and Vicki Robbins. It teaches the reader how to become financially independent both in spirit and fact. I am twenty-three, and I am now committed to living frugally, paying back debts (mostly school debt) and saving in order to one day be financially independent and live my dream come true, which is to build my own homestead. This book is great for homesteaders, because it gives an alternative to the "town job." It requires committment and perserverance--it's a long-term thing-- but I believe it can work. Check it out, it might be just what you're looking for if you find you just don't ever have enough money. Thanks for taking the time to read this, Sincerely, Karen Toronto, Canada
-- Karen Kleiss (, May 10, 2001
Karen: That gem of a little book was the major force in gettin me retired at 50. I highly recommend anyone concerned about money to read it! Thank you Karen for bringing it to our attention....Kirk
-- Kirk Davis (, May 10, 2001.
Karen -First off - welcome to the forum!!
Thanks for the info - I've heard of the book, but never read it. Suppose that should be tops on my 'to do' list, now LOL!!!
-- Sue Diederich (, May 11, 2001.
Welcome Karen,A lot of great people on this forum. Good luck to you.
-- Cordy (, May 11, 2001.
welcome karen, on your advice i just got the book from the local library. i hold you responsible ,lol.
-- fred in wi (, May 12, 2001.
Karen, thanks so much for posting, I always like to hear about a good book recommendation. Good for you that you have a goal so young! I wish I had had your determination and belief at your age. I am 36 now, and even though things have turned out o.k. for me ( probably by default) I have to compromise in some things, cause I wasn't sure what I wanted. Any loans made to an education is money well spent, and I hope you find your dream homestead and someone to enjoy it with as a true partner! Joy
-- Joy (, May 12, 2001.
To let you also know, YMOYL has a Discussion Board as well. You may want to look at that as well.
-- Debi Beeuwsaert (, May 14, 2001.